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Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg has carved a niche as a high-performance open-source table format, enabling ACID transactions on petabyte-scale SQL tables. It aims to provide a compelling alternative for data lake management solutions.

Apache Iceberg Architecture
Apache Iceberg Architecture

Iceberg surpasses traditional formats like Parquet or ORC by offering distinct advantages:

  • Schema Evolution: Allows modifications to table schemas without rewriting the entire table.
  • Snapshot Isolation: Ensures data consistency by preventing readers and writers from interfering with each other.
  • Efficient Metadata Management: Utilizes metadata to manage large-scale tables efficiently, minimizing overhead associated with vast datasets.
  • Partition Pruning: Automatically prunes irrelevant partitions during queries, optimizing performance.


PyIceberg is a Python implementation for accessing Iceberg tables, without the need of a JVM.

Getting Started

Basic Architecture

  • Table Format: Employs a manifest list and manifest files to track metadata, facilitating efficient handling of large datasets.
  • Snapshot Management: Each table maintains a history of snapshots, enabling time travel and rollback capabilities.
  • Partitioning: Leverages hidden partitioning to simplify partition management for users, enhancing performance.

Use Cases

  • Financial Services: Ideal for handling large-scale transactional data with ACID guarantees, making it suitable for financial applications.
  • E-commerce Analytics: Can effectively manage vast amounts of user data, enabling advanced analytics and personalized recommendations.



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