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Pyspark Delta lake keeping it Fast and Clean

Update: 2023-04-27 | Tag: Python Spark Delta Lake Optimization

Keeping Delta tables fast and clean is important for maintaining the efficiency of data pipelines. Delta tables can grow very large over time, leading to slow query performance and increased storage costs. However, there are several operations and trade-offs that can positively influence the speed of the tables.

In this content, we’ll use the people10m public dataset that is available on Databricks Community Edition, to showcase the best practices on how to keep the tables fast and clean using Delta operations while explaining what is happening behind the scenes.

Keeping it Fast and Clean Flow Chart

Table of Contents:

Analyzing the delta log

If we check the contents of the log we can see a JSON file that describes the first transaction that was written when Databricks created this Delta table.

head dbfs:/databricks-datasets/learning-spark-v2/people/

From analysis, we can see that this transaction includes several actions:

  • Commit info:
  "commitInfo": {
    "timestamp": 1602173340340,
    "userId": "360903564160648",
    "userName": "",
    "operation": "WRITE",
    "operationParameters": {
      "mode": "ErrorIfExists",
      "partitionBy": "[]"
    "notebook": {
      "notebookId": "1607762315395537"
    "clusterId": "1008-160338-oil232",
    "isolationLevel": "WriteSerializable",
    "isBlindAppend": true,
    "operationMetrics": {
      "numFiles": "8",
      "numOutputBytes": "221245652",
      "numOutputRows": "10000000"

commitInfo contains all the information regarding the commit: which operation was made, by whom, where, and at what time. The perationMetrics field shows that 8 files were written with a total of 1000000 records.

  • Protocol:
  "protocol": {
    "minReaderVersion": 1,
    "minWriterVersion": 2

The protocol action is used to increase the version of the Delta protocol that is required to read or write a given table. This allows excluding readers/writers that are on an old protocol and would miss the necessary features to correctly interpret the transaction log.

  • Metadata:
  "metaData": {
    "id": "ee2db204-0e38-4962-92b0-83e5570d7cd5",
    "format": {
      "provider": "parquet",
      "options": {}
    "schemaString": "{\"type\":\"struct\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"integer\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"firstName\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"middleName\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"lastName\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"gender\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"birthDate\",\"type\":\"timestamp\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"ssn\",\"type\":\"string\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"salary\",\"type\":\"integer\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}}]}",
    "partitionColumns": [],
    "configuration": {},
    "createdTime": 1602173313568

The metadata action contains all the table metadata. It is required on the first action of a table as it contains its own definition. Subsequent modifications to the table metadata will originate a new action.

  • Add:
    "add": {
        "path": "part-00000-373539c8-e620-43e4-82e0-5eba22bb3b77-c000.snappy.parquet",
        "partitionValues": {},
        "size": 27825521,
        "modificationTime": 1602173334000,
        "dataChange": true,
        "stats": "{\"numRecords\":1249744,\"minValues\":{\"id\":3766824,\"firstName\":\"Aaron\",\"middleName\":\"Aaron\",\"lastName\":\"A'Barrow\",\"gender\":\"F\",\"birthDate\":\"1951-12-31T05:00:00.000Z\",\"ssn\":\"666-10-1008\",\"salary\":-20858},\"maxValues\":{\"id\":5016567,\"firstName\":\"Zulma\",\"middleName\":\"Zulma\",\"lastName\":\"Zywicki\",\"gender\":\"M\",\"birthDate\":\"2000-01-30T05:00:00.000Z\",\"ssn\":\"999-98-9985\",\"salary\":180841},\"nullCount\":{\"id\":0,\"firstName\":0,\"middleName\":0,\"lastName\":0,\"gender\":0,\"birthDate\":0,\"ssn\":0,\"salary\":0}}"
    "add": {
        "path": "part-00001-943ebb93-8446-4a6c-99f7-1ca12ec2511b-c000.snappy.parquet",
        "partitionValues": {},
        "size": 27781558,
        "modificationTime": 1602173334000,
        "dataChange": true,
        "stats": "{\"numRecords\":1249537,\"minValues\":{\"id\":1267751,\"firstName\":\"Abbey\",\"middleName\":\"Abbey\",\"lastName\":\"A'Barrow\",\"gender\":\"F\",\"birthDate\":\"1951-12-31T05:00:00.000Z\",\"ssn\":\"666-10-1005\",\"salary\":-20925},\"maxValues\":{\"id\":2517287,\"firstName\":\"Zulma\",\"middleName\":\"Zulma\",\"lastName\":\"Zywicki\",\"gender\":\"F\",\"birthDate\":\"2000-01-30T05:00:00.000Z\",\"ssn\":\"999-98-9981\",\"salary\":165757},\"nullCount\":{\"id\":0,\"firstName\":0,\"middleName\":0,\"lastName\":0,\"gender\":0,\"birthDate\":0,\"ssn\":0,\"salary\":0}}"

The add action, as the name suggests, is used to modify the data in a table by adding individual logical files. It contains the metadata of the respective file as well as some data statistics that can be used for optimizations that we’ll talk about further down the article.

The log contains 8 add entries, from part-00000 to part-00007, that were truncated for simplicity.


cp -r dbfs:/databricks-datasets/learning-spark-v2/people/ dbfs:/delta/

Keeping it clean

  • Vacuum:

The first obvious answer is the VACUUM command. What this does are delete the files that no longer affect our Delta table, given a configurable delta.deletedFileRetentionDuration that defaults on 7 days.

After analyzing the dataset and the delta log, we found that we had 16 files, all of them older than the default retention interval, but only 8 of them were referenced in the log. This means that in theory if we run the command the other 8 files would be cleaned.

VACUUM delta.`/delta/`

Let’s check the result in the underlying filesystem.

Surprisingly, the files were not cleaned up. What happened?

Something that I found surprising is that the timestamps that are internally used by VACUUM are not the ones referenced in the transaction log files in the add action but rather the modificationTime of the files. The reason for that is to avoid reading a huge number of JSON files to find what files should be selected for deletion. With that said, make sure to keep modificationTime intact when copying/migrating Delta tables.

Given that we just copied the entire dataset, the modificationTime is as of now, and it won’t be selected for removal, at least until 7 days have passed. If we try to do so we’ll get the following warning:

For testing purposes, we are setting delta.retentionDurationCheck.enable=false so that we can demonstrate the command in action, but it’s something that should be used with caution as it risks corrupting the table if any other active reader or writer depends on the data that is being deleted.

VACUUM delta.`/delta/` RETAIN 0 HOURS

Everything looks cleaner now. What about the transaction log? There are 4 new JSON files, each representing a new transaction.

Every time a VACUUM is requested, two new commits are generated in the transaction log, containing VACUUM START and VACUUM END operations, respectively.

  "commitInfo": {
    "timestamp": 1676202617353,
    "userId": "8019820830300763",
    "userName": "vitor",
    "operation": "VACUUM START",
    "operationParameters": {
      "retentionCheckEnabled": true,
      "defaultRetentionMillis": 604800000
    "notebook": {
      "notebookId": "1087108890280137"
    "clusterId": "0102-173902-b3a5lq4t",
    "readVersion": 0,
    "isolationLevel": "SnapshotIsolation",
    "isBlindAppend": true,
    "operationMetrics": {
      "numFilesToDelete": "0"
    "engineInfo": "Databricks-Runtime/11.3.x-scala2.12",
    "txnId": "6b875d5e-4c0e-4724-a87b-a0a6bbfd8419"

The first one did not affect any files, hence the numFilesToDelete is 0.

  "commitInfo": {
    "timestamp": 1676206833338,
    "userId": "8019820830300763",
    "userName": "vitor",
    "operation": "VACUUM START",
    "operationParameters": {
      "retentionCheckEnabled": false,
      "specifiedRetentionMillis": 0,
      "defaultRetentionMillis": 604800000
    "notebook": {
      "notebookId": "1087108890280137"
    "clusterId": "0102-173902-b3a5lq4t",
    "readVersion": 2,
    "isolationLevel": "SnapshotIsolation",
    "isBlindAppend": true,
    "operationMetrics": {
      "numFilesToDelete": "8"
    "engineInfo": "Databricks-Runtime/11.3.x-scala2.12",
    "txnId": "42f93d56-8739-46d5-a8f9-c2c1daffe0ec"

The second one marked 8 files for deletion hence numFilesToDelete is 8.

In sum, VACUUM jobs are a must for storage cost reduction. However, we need to make sure to schedule them regularly (they don’t affect any running jobs), as they are not scheduled by default. In addition to this, we need to make sure to tweak the retention value for as long as we’d want to time travel and have the modificationTime in mind when migrating Delta tables.

  • Optimize:

The next command we need to be aware of is OPTIMIZE. What this does are compact small files into larger ones, while keeping all the data intact and delta statistics re-calculated. It can greatly improve query performance, especially if the data is written using a Streaming job, where, depending on the trigger interval, a lot of small files can be generated.

The target file size can be changed by tweaking delta.targetFileSize. Have in mind that setting this value does not guarantee that all the files will end up with the specified size. The operation will make a best-effort attempt to be true to the target size, but it heavily depends on the amount of data we’re processing as well as the parallelism.

In this example, we’ll set it to 80MB, since the dataset is much smaller than the default size which is 1GB.

OPTIMIZE delta.`/delta/`

Let’s analyze the transaction log commit after what happened after we run the command:

  "commitInfo": {
    "timestamp": 1676215176645,
    "userId": "8019820830300763",
    "userName": "vitor",
    "operation": "OPTIMIZE",
    "operationParameters": {
      "predicate": "[]",
      "zOrderBy": "[]",
      "batchId": "0",
      "auto": false
    "notebook": {
      "notebookId": "1087108890280137"
    "clusterId": "0102-173902-b3a5lq4t",
    "readVersion": 2,
    "isolationLevel": "SnapshotIsolation",
    "isBlindAppend": false,
    "operationMetrics": {
      "numRemovedFiles": "8",
      "numRemovedBytes": "221245652",
      "p25FileSize": "59403028",
      "minFileSize": "59403028",
      "numAddedFiles": "3",
      "maxFileSize": "88873012",
      "p75FileSize": "88873012",
      "p50FileSize": "87441438",
      "numAddedBytes": "235717478"
    "engineInfo": "Databricks-Runtime/11.3.x-scala2.12",
    "txnId": "55389d3e-4dd5-43a9-b5e1-de67cde8bb72"

A total of 8 files were removed, and 3 were added. Our new target file size is 80MB so all of our files were compacted into three new ones. As the commit info shows, the log also contains 8 remove actions and three add actions that were omitted for simplicity.

You might be wondering if the OPTIMIZE command really did something useful in this specific dataset so let’s try and run a simple query.

SELECT * FROM delta.`/delta/` WHERE salary > 80000

With OPTIMIZE we have improved the scan time since we read fewer files. Nevertheless, we are still reading the whole dataset while trying to find salaries that are greater than 80000. We will tackle this issue in the next section of the article.

In sum, one should schedule OPTIMIZE jobs regularly since query reads can heavily benefit from having fewer files to read. Databricks recommends running it daily, but it really depends on the frequency of the updates. Have in mind that OPTIMIZE can take some time and will increase processing costs.

  • Z-Order Optimize:

Z-Ordering is a technique that is used to collocate related information in the same set of files.

When files are written to a Delta table, min, max, and count statistics are automatically added in a stats field on the add action as we’ve seen before. These statistics are used for data-skipping when querying the table. Data-skipping is an optimization that aims to optimize queries containing WHERE clauses. By default, the first 32 columns of the dataset have their statistics collected. It can be changed by tweaking delta.dataSkippingNumIndexedCols to the desired number. Have in mind that this can affect write performance, especially for long strings for which it is advised to move them to the end of the schema and set the property to a number lower than its index.

In the OPTIMIZE example, we’ve seen that even though we have these statistics collected we can’t really make use of them and still end up reading all the files. That’s because we don’t have any explicit ordering and the salaries are basically randomized between all files.

By adding a ZORDER-BY column with OPTIMIZE we can easily solve this issue:

OPTIMIZE delta.`/delta/`
ZORDER BY (salary)

Let’s analyze the transaction log:

  "commitInfo": {
    "timestamp": 1676217320722,
    "userId": "8019820830300763",
    "userName": "vitor",
    "operation": "OPTIMIZE",
    "operationParameters": {
      "predicate": "[]",
      "zOrderBy": "[\"salary\"]",
      "batchId": "0",
      "auto": false
    "notebook": {
      "notebookId": "1087108890280137"
    "clusterId": "0102-173902-b3a5lq4t",
    "readVersion": 2,
    "isolationLevel": "SnapshotIsolation",
    "isBlindAppend": false,
    "operationMetrics": {
      "numRemovedFiles": "8",
      "numRemovedBytes": "221245652",
      "p25FileSize": "113573613",
      "minFileSize": "113573613",
      "numAddedFiles": "2",
      "maxFileSize": "123467314",
      "p75FileSize": "123467314",
      "p50FileSize": "123467314",
      "numAddedBytes": "237040927"
    "engineInfo": "Databricks-Runtime/11.3.x-scala2.12",
    "txnId": "0e9b6467-9385-42fa-bc1a-df5486fc997f"

There are some differences between both OPTIMIZE commands. The first we can notice is that, as expected, we now have a zOrderBy column in operationParameters. Moreover, even though we have specified the same target file size, the OPTIMIZE resulted in 2 files instead of 3, due to the statistics of our column.

Below is the add action for the first file. The stats show that this file contains all the records that have salaries between -26884 and 73676. With that said, our query should skip this file entirely since the salary value falls out of the range of our WHERE clause.

  "add": {
    "path": "part-00000-edb01f4d-18f1-4c82-ac18-66444343df9b-c000.snappy.parquet",
    "partitionValues": {},
    "size": 123467314,
    "modificationTime": 1676217320000,
    "dataChange": false,
    "stats": "{\"numRecords\":5206176,\"minValues\":{\"id\":1,\"firstName\":\"Aaron\",\"middleName\":\"Aaron\",\"lastName\":\"A'Barrow\",\"gender\":\"F\",\"birthDate\":\"1951-12-31T05:00:00.000Z\",\"ssn\":\"666-10-1010\",\"salary\":-26884},\"maxValues\":{\"id\":9999999,\"firstName\":\"Zulma\",\"middleName\":\"Zulma\",\"lastName\":\"Zywicki\",\"gender\":\"M\",\"birthDate\":\"2000-01-30T05:00:00.000Z\",\"ssn\":\"999-98-9989\",\"salary\":73676},\"nullCount\":{\"id\":0,\"firstName\":0,\"middleName\":0,\"lastName\":0,\"gender\":0,\"birthDate\":0,\"ssn\":0,\"salary\":0}}",
    "tags": {
      "INSERTION_TIME": "1602173334000000",
      "ZCUBE_ZORDER_CURVE": "hilbert",
      "ZCUBE_ZORDER_BY": "[\"salary\"]",
      "ZCUBE_ID": "493cfedf-fdaf-4d34-a911-b4663adefec7",
      "OPTIMIZE_TARGET_SIZE": "83886080"

By running the query again after Z-Ordering the files, we can see that only one file was read and the other one was pruned.

Even though Z-Ordering for data-skipping looks to be a game changer, it must be used correctly in order to be efficient. Below we’ll list some key considerations that we must have when using Z-Ordering:

  1. Z-Ordering is only suited for columns with high cardinality, if it has a low cardinality we cannot benefit from data-skipping.

  2. We can specify multiple columns on Z-Order but the effectiveness of its data-skipping decreases with each extra column.

  3. Make sure to Z-Order only on columns for which statistics are available. Have in mind the index of the columns and that only the first 32 columns are analyzed.

  4. Partitioning:

Another technique that can be used is physical partitioning. While Z-ordering groups data with similar values under the same file, partitioning groups data files under the same folder.

Contrary to Z-Ordering, partitioning works best with low-cardinality columns. If we choose otherwise, we may end up with possibly infinite partitions and end up with a lot of small files which in the end results in performance issues.

We’ll be using gender as our partition column since it is the only one with low cardinality present in this dataset.

REPLACE TABLE delta.`/delta/`
  SELECT * FROM delta.`/delta/`

By doing this we end up with two folders, one for each gender. This type of segregation is rather useful for columns that have low cardinality, and are very often used in WHERE clauses in large tables.

Let’s suppose we now want to be able to extract insights based on gender and salary.

SELECT * FROM delta.`/delta/`
WHERE gender = 'F' AND salary > 80000

OPTIMIZE can be paired with a partition column if we only want to optimize a subset of the data. Below we’ll analyze data-skipping with and without partitioning in Z-Ordered tables to show how can we take advantage of both approaches. We’ve decreased the target file size to showcase the differences now that our data is split by gender under different files.

As shown above, without partitioning we have to read two files to get our results. We were able to skip 3 files by having it Z-Ordered by salary but had to fully read them to extract the request gender. With partitioning, we were able to skip a full partition, which filtered the gender basically for free, and 3 files due to the Z-Ordering.

As we can see, there are benefits to using both approaches simultaneously, but it needs to be thoroughly thought through as it might only make a significant difference for very large tables.


In conclusion, keeping Delta tables clean is crucial for maintaining the performance and efficiency of data pipelines. Vacuuming and optimizing Delta tables can help reclaim storage space and improve query execution times. Understanding the small details of each operation is very important to proper fine-tuning which could otherwise lead to unnecessary storage and processing costs.

