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Spark Repartitioning

In a distributed environment, having proper data distribution becomes a key tool for boosting performance. In the DataFrame API of Spark SQL, there is a function repartition() that allows controlling the data distribution on the Spark cluster. The efficient usage of the function is however not straightforward because changing the distribution is related to a cost for physical data movement on the cluster nodes (a so-called shuffle).

A general rule of thumb is that using repartition is costly because it will induce shuffle. In this article, we will go further and see that there are situations in which adding one shuffle at the right place will remove two other shuffles, so it will make the overall execution more efficient. We will first cover a bit of theory to understand how the information about data distribution is internally utilized in Spark SQL, and then we will go over some practical examples where using repartition becomes useful.

The theory described in this article is based on the Spark source code, the version being the current snapshot 3.1 (written in June 2020) and most of it is valid also in previous versions 2.x. Also, the theory and the internal behavior are language-agnostic, so it doesn't matter whether we use it with Scala, Java, or Python API.

Query Planning

The DataFrame API in Spark SQL allows the users to write high-level transformations. These transformations are lazy, which means that they are not executed eagerly but instead under the hood they are converted to a query plan. The query plan will be materialized when the user calls an action which is a function where we ask for some output, for example when we are saving the result of the transformations to some storage system. The query plan itself can be of two major types: a logical plan and a physical plan. And the steps of the query plan processing can be called accordingly as logical planning and physical planning.

Logical Plan

The phase of the logical planning is responsible for multiple steps related to a logical plan where the logical plan itself is just an abstract representation of the query, it has a form of a tree where each node in the tree is a relational operator. The logical plan itself does not carry any specific information about the execution or about algorithms used to compute transformations such as joins or aggregations. It just represents the information from the query in a way that is convenient for optimizations.

During logical planning, the query plan is optimized by a Spark optimizer, which applies a set of rules that transform the plan. These rules are based mostly on heuristics, for instance, that it is better to first filter the data and then do other processing and so on.

Physical Plan

Once the logical plan is optimized, physical planning begins. The purpose of this phase is to take the logical plan and turn it into a physical plan which can be then executed. Unlike the logical plan which is very abstract, the physical plan is much more specific regarding details about the execution, because it contains a concrete choice of algorithms that will be used during the execution.

The physical planning is also composed of two steps because there are two versions of the physical plan: spark plan and executed plan. The spark plan is created using so-called strategies where each node in a logical plan is converted into one or more operators in the spark plan. One example of a strategy is JoinSelection, where Spark decides what algorithm will be used to join the data. The string representation of the spark plan can be displayed using the Scala API:


After the spark plan is generated, there is a set of additional rules that are applied to it to create the final version of the physical plan which is the executed plan. This executed plan will then be executed to generate RDD code. To see this executed plan we can simply call explain on the DataFrame because it is actually the final version of the physical plan. Alternatively, we can go to the Spark UI to see its graphical representation.

EnsureRequirements (ER rule)

One of these additional rules that are used to transform the spark plan into the executed plan is called EnsureRequirements (in the next we will refer to it as ER rule) and this rule is going to make sure that the data is distributed correctly as is required by some transformations (for example joins and aggregations). Each operator in the physical plan is having two important properties outputPartitioning and outputOrdering (in the next we will call them oP and oO respectively) which carry the information about the data distribution, how the data is partitioned and sorted at the given moment. Besides that, each operator also has two other properties requiredChildDistribution and requiredChildOrdering by which it puts requirements on the values of oP and oO of its child nodes. Some operators don’t have any requirements but some do. Let’s see this on a simple example with SortMergeJoin, which is an operator that has strong requirements on its child nodes, it requires that the data must be partitioned and sorted by the joining key so it can be merged correctly. Let’s consider this simple query in which we join two tables (both of them are based on a file datasource such as parquet):

# Using Python API:
spark.table("tableA") \
    .join(spark.table("tableB"), "id") \

The spark plan for this query will look like this (and I added there also the information about the oP, oO and the requirements of the SortMergeJoin):

From the spark plan we can see that the child nodes of the SortMergeJoin (two Project operators) have no oP or oO (they are Unknown and None) and this is a general situation where the data has not been repartitioned in advance and the tables are not bucketed. When the ER rule is applied on the plan it can see that the requirements of the SortMergeJoin are not satisfied so it will fill Exchange and Sort operators to the plan to meet the requirements. The Exchange operator will be responsible for repartitioning the data to meet the requiredChildDistribution requirement and the Sort will order the data to meet the requiredChildOrdering, so the final executed plan will look like this (and this is what you can find also in the SparkUI in the SQL tab, you won’t find there the spark plan though, because it is not available there):


The situation will be different if both tables are bucketed by the joining key. Bucketing is a technique for storing the data in a pre-shuffled and possibly pre-sorted state where the information about bucketing is stored in the metastore. In such a case the FileScan operator will have the oP set according to the information from the metastore and if there is exactly one file per bucket, the oO will be also set, and it will all be passed downstream to the Project. If both tables were bucketed by the joining key to the same number of buckets, the requirements for the oP will be satisfied and the ER rule will add no Exchange to the plan. The same number of partitions on both sides of the join is crucial here and if these numbers are different, Exchange will still have to be used for each branch where the number of partitions differs from spark.sql.shuffle.partitions configuration setting (default value is 200). So with a correct bucketing in place, the join can be shuffle-free.

The important thing to understand is that Spark needs to be aware of the distribution to make use of it, so even if your data is pre-shuffled with bucketing, unless you read the data as a table to pick the information from the metastore, Spark will not know about it and so it will not set the oP on the FileScan.


As mentioned at the beginning, there is a function repartition that can be used to change the distribution of the data on the Spark cluster. The function takes as argument columns by which the data should be distributed (optionally the first argument can be the number of partitions that should be created). What happens under the hood is that it adds a RepartitionByExpression node to the logical plan which is then converted to Exchange in the spark plan using a strategy, and it sets the oP to HashPartitioning with the key being the column name used as the argument.

Another usage of the repartition function is that it can be called with only one argument being the number of partitions that should be created (repartition(n)), which will distribute the data randomly. The use case for this random distribution is however not discussed in this article.

Let’s now go over some practical examples where adjusting the distribution using repartition by some specific field will bring some benefits.

Example I: One-side shuffle-free join

Let’s see what happens if one of the tables in the above join is bucketed and the other is not. In such a case the requirements are not satisfied because the oP is different on both sides (on one side it is defined by the bucketing and on the other side it is Unknown). In this case, the ER rule will add Exchange to both branches of the join so each side of the join will have to be shuffled! Spark will simply neglect that one side is already pre-shuffled and will waste this opportunity to avoid the shuffle. Here we can simply use repartition on the other side of the join to make sure that oP is set before the ER rule checks it and adds Exchanges:

# Using Python API:
# tableA is not bucketed
# tableB is bucketed by id into 50 buckets
spark.table("tableA") \
    .repartition(50, "id") \
    .join(spark.table("tableB"), "id") \
    .write \

Calling repartition will add one Exchange to the left branch of the plan but the right branch will stay shuffle-free because requirements will now be satisfied and ER rule will add no more Exchanges. So we will have only one shuffle instead of two in the final plan. Alternatively, we could change the number of shuffle partitions to match the number of buckets in tableB, in such case the repartition is not needed (it would bring no additional benefit), because the ER rule will leave the right branch shuffle-free, and it will adjust only the left branch (in the same way as repartition does):

# match number of buckets in the right branch of the join
# with the number of shuffle partitions:
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 50)

Example II: Aggregation followed by a join

Another example where repartition becomes useful is related to queries where we aggregate a table by two keys and then join an additional table by one of these two keys (neither of these tables is bucketed in this case). Let’s see a simple example which is based on transactional data of this kind:

{"id": 1, "user_id": 100, "price": 50, "date": "2020-06-01"}
{"id": 2, "user_id": 100, "price": 200, "date": "2020-06-02"}
{"id": 3, "user_id": 101, "price": 120, "date": "2020-06-01"}

Each user can have many rows in the dataset because he/she could have made many transactions. These transactions are stored in tableA. On the other hand, tableB will contain information about each user (name, address, and so on). The tableB has no duplicities, each record belongs to a different user. In our query we want to count the number of transactions for each user and date and then join the user information:

# Using Python API:
dfA = spark.table("tableA") # transactions (not bucketed)
dfB = spark.table("tableB") # user information (not bucketed)
dfA \
    .groupBy("user_id", "date") \
    .agg(count("*")) \
    .join(dfB, "user_id")

The spark plan of this query looks like this

In the spark plan, you can see a pair of HashAggregate operators, the first one (on the top) is responsible for a partial aggregation and the second one does the final merge. The requirements of the SortMergeJoin are the same as previously. The interesting part of this example are the HashAggregates. The first one has no requirements from its child, however, the second one requires for the oP to be HashPartitioning by user_id and date or any subset of these columns and this is what we will take advantage of shortly. In the general case, these requirements are not fulfilled so the ER rule will add Exchanges (and Sorts). This will lead to this executed plan:

As you can see we end up with a plan that has three Exchange operators, so three shuffles will happen during the execution. Let’s now see how using repartition can change the situation:

dfA = spark.table("tableA").repartition("user_id")
dfB = spark.table("tableB")
dfA \
    .groupBy("user_id", "date") \
    .agg(count("*")) \
    .join(dfB, "user_id")

The spark plan will now look different, it will contain Exchange that is generated by a strategy that converts RepartitionByExpression node from the logical plan. This Exchange will be a child of the first HashAggregate operator, and it will set the oP to HashPartitioning (user_id) which will be passed downstream:

The requirements for oP of all operators in the left branch are now satisfied so ER rule will add no additional Exchanges (it will still add Sort to satisfy oO). The essential concept in this example is that we are grouping by two columns and the requirements of the HashAggregate operator are more flexible so if the data will be distributed by any of these two fields, the requirements will be met. The final executed plan will have only one Exchange in the left branch (and one in the right branch) so using repartition we reduced the number of shuffles by one:


It is true that using repartition we have now only one shuffle in the left branch instead of two, it is however important to understand that these shuffles are not of the same kind! In the original plan, both of the Exchanges came after HashAggregate which was responsible for a partial aggregation, so the data were reduced (aggregated locally on each node) before shuffling. In the new plan, the Exchange comes before HashAggregate so the full data will be shuffled.

So what is better? One full shuffle or two reduced shuffles? Well, that ultimately depends on the properties of the data. If there are only a few records per user_id and date, it means that the aggregation will not reduce the data much, so the total shuffle will be comparable with the reduced one, and having only one shuffle will be better. On the other hand, if there are lots of records per user_id and date, the aggregation will make the data much smaller and so going with the original plan might be better because these two small shuffles can be faster than one big shuffle. This can be expressed also in terms of the cardinality of all distinct combinations of these two fields user_id and date. If this cardinality is comparable with the total row count it means that the groupBy transformation will not reduce the data much.

Example III: Union of two aggregations

Let’s consider one more example where repartition will bring optimization to our query. The problem is based on the same data as the previous example. Now in our query we want to make a union of two different aggregations, in the first one we will count the rows for each user and in the second we will sum the price column:

# Using Python API:
countDF = df.groupBy("user_id") \
    .agg(count("*").alias("metricValue")) \
    .withColumn("metricName", lit("count"))

sumDF = df.groupBy("user_id") \
    .agg(sum("price").alias("metricValue")) \
    .withColumn("metricName", lit("sum"))


Here is the final executed plan for this query:

It is a typical plan for a union-like query, one branch for each DataFrame in the union. We can see that there are two shuffles, one for each aggregation. Besides that, it also follows from the plan that the dataset will be scanned twice. Here the repartition function together with a small trick can help us to change the shape of the plan

df ="user_id")

countDF = df.groupBy("user_id") \
    .agg(count("price").alias("metricValue")) \
    .withColumn("metricName", lit("count"))

sumDF = df.groupBy("user_id") \
    .agg(sum("price").alias("metricValue")) \
    .withColumn("metricName", lit("sum"))


The repartition function will move the Exchange operator before the HashAggregate, and it will make the Exchange sub-branches identical so it will be reused by another rule called ReuseExchange. In the count function, changing the star to the price column becomes important here because it will make sure that the projection will be the same in both DataFrames (we need to project the price column also in the left branch to make it the same as the second branch). It will however produce the same result as the original query only if there are no null values in the price column. To understand the logic behind this rule see my other article where I explain the ReuseExchange rule more in detail on a similar example.

Similarly, as before, we reduced here the number of shuffles by one, but again we have now a total shuffle as opposed to reduced shuffles in the original query. The additional benefit here is that after this optimization the dataset will be scanned only once because of the reused computation.

Distribution information loss

As we already mentioned, it is not only important to have the data distributed in an optimal way, but it is also important to have Spark know about it. The information about the oP is propagated through the plan from a node to its parent, however, there are some operators that will stop propagating the information even if the actual distribution doesn’t change. One of these operators is BatchEvalPython — an operator that represents a user-defined function in the Python API. So if you repartition the data, then call a Python UDF and then do a join (or some aggregation), the ER rule will add a new Exchange because the BatchEvalPython will not pass the oP information downstream. We can simply say that after calling a Python UDF, Spark will forget how the data was distributed.

Controlling the number of produced files

Let me just mention very briefly yet another use case for the repartition function which is to steer the number of produced files when partitioning and/or bucketing the data to the storage system. If you are partitioning data to a file system like this:


it can produce lots of small files if the data is distributed randomly in the last stage of the Spark job. Each task in the final stage can possibly contain values for all the keys so it will create a file in each storage partition and thus produce lots of small files. Calling custom repartition just before to write allows us to imitate the distribution required for the file system and thus control the number of produced files. In some future post we will describe more in detail how this works and how it can be used efficiently also for bucketing.


The repartition function allows us to change the distribution of the data on the Spark cluster. This distribution change will induce shuffle (physical data movement) under the hood, which is quite an expensive operation. In this article, we have seen some examples in which this additional shuffle can however remove some other shuffles at the same time and thus make the overall execution more efficient. We have also seen that it is important to distinguish between two kinds of shuffles — a total shuffle (which moves all the data) and a reduced shuffle (which moves the data after partial aggregation). Sometimes deciding what is ultimately more efficient requires understanding the properties of the actual data.

