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Apache Spark


Apache Spark is a unified computing engine and a set of libraries for parallel data processing on computer cluster.

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Getting Started


The Apache Spark framework uses a master-slave architecture that consists of a driver, which runs as a master node, and many executors that run across as worker nodes in the cluster. Apache Spark can be used for batch processing and real-time processing as well.

Spark Cluster Overview
Spark Cluster Overview
Spark Driver-Worker Architecture
Spark Driver-Worker Architecture

In the Introduction, I have already highlighted about driver, worker, and cluster manager, but now let's discuss their roles when the actual computation happens. When a code is submitted to the spark cluster for execution, it is first assigned to the Driver which assigns it to the Cluster Manager. Now the Cluster Manager checks and maintains the availability and health of the Workers and confirms the same to the Driver. It is also responsible for allocating resources to execute the task.

Upon confirmation from the Cluster Manager regarding the resources, the Driver establishes a direct connection with the Workers, starts assigning the tasks to them, and gets the response directly as well. In case of any failure, the Cluster Manager comes into play, it detects node failures, automatically reschedules the affected tasks on other available nodes, and re-initializes the node for the next task.

Deploy Modes

In the cluster mode, Spark Submit will reach the YARN RM, requesting it to start the driver in an AM container. YARN will start your driver in the AM container on a worker node in the cluster. Then the driver will again request YARN to begin executor containers. So, the YARN will start executor containers and hand them over to the driver. So, in cluster mode, your driver is running in the AM container on a worker node in cluster. Your executors are also running in the executor containers on some worker nodes in cluster.

Execution of Client Deploy Mode and Cluster Deploy Mode
Execution of Client Deploy Mode and Cluster Deploy Mode

In the Client Mode, Spark Submit doesn't go to the YARN resource manager for starting an AM container. Instead, the spark-submit command will start the driver JVM directly on the client machine. So, in this case, the spark driver is a JVM application running on your client machine. Now the driver will reach out to the YARN resource manager requesting executor containers. The YARN RM will start executor containers and hand them over to the driver. The driver will start executors in those containers to do the job.


Client Machines in the Spark Cluster are also known as Gateway Nodes.

You will almost always submit your application in cluster mode. It is unlikely that you submit your spark application in client mode. We have two clear advantages of running your application in cluster mode.

  1. The cluster mode allows you to submit the application and log off from the client machine, as the driver and executors run on the cluster. They have nothing active on your client's machine. So, even if you log off from your client machine, the driver and executor will continue to run in the cluster.

  2. Your application runs faster in cluster mode because your driver is closer to the executors. The driver and executor communicate heavily, and you don't get impacted by network latency, if they are close.

The designed client mode is for interactive workloads. For example, Spark Shell runs your code in client mode. Similarly, Spark notebooks also use the client mode.

On-Heap vs Off-Heap Memory

There are two concepts of storage that are quite important to discuss as they play a key role in the optimization of an Application. Every Executor has access to two types of memory:- On-Heap and Off-Heap memory. Each Executor has its own on-heap memory but the off-heap memory is common for all executors within a worker node. On-heap memory is managed by Java Virtual Machine (JVM) while off-heap memory is managed by the Operating System. The latter is used for caching and storing serialized data. Another important concept of Garbage Collection(GC) is applicable for On-heap memory as it is managed by JVM but does not apply to off-heap memory, therefore giving more control over memory management in case of off-heap memory.

On-Heap Memory Architecture
On-Heap Memory Architecture

Let us discuss in detail about the On-Heap Memory architecture. It is divided into 3 parts:-

  1. Reserved Memory — This is the fixed memory that cannot be used for storage or execution and cannot be altered. About 300 MB of heap memory is taken up by this. It is mainly used for failure recovery. In case there is some fault in the system and it is unable to function, then this memory will be used for recovery.

  2. User Memory —User Memory refers to the storage dedicated to retaining user-defined data structures, internal metadata within Spark, and any User-Defined Functions (UDFs) created by the user. There is a memory fraction parameter that can be altered in the spark settings by the parameter spark.memory.fraction and the formula for the calculation of this storage is:-

    (Executor Memory - Reserved Memory) * (1 - spark.memory.fraction)
  3. Unified Memory — This memory is again divided into 2 segments whose fraction can be altered by the parameter “spark.memory.memoryFraction” in the spark settings. By default, it is set to 0.5. These segments are:-

    • Storage Memory — It is used for storing the cached information, broadcast variables, etc, and can be calculated by:-

      (Executor Memory — Reserved Memory) * spark.memory.fraction * spark.memory.storageFraction
    • Execution Memory — This memory is utilized for storing intermediate states of execution processes like joins, aggregations, shuffles, etc. This can be calculated by:-

      (Executor Memory — Reserved Memory) * spark.memory.fraction * (1.0 - spark.memory.storageFraction)

The performance optimization of an application depends a lot on both the above-mentioned fraction values, i.e. spark.memory.fraction and spark.memory.memoryFraction. Tweaking these values based on the percentage of storage and execution requirements can have a drastic effect on the performance of the application.

Jobs, Stages and Tasks

Spark Jobs, Stages and Tasks
Spark Jobs, Stages and Tasks

In this section, we will discuss about the flow of an Application in steps when it is sent for execution and how it is converted into job, stages and tasks.

  • When an Application is submitted, the code is converted into a Job.
  • Jobs are divided into stages and the number of stages is determined by the number of times data is shuffled. So, as the shuffling increases so does the number of stages. Join is an example of data shuffling.
  • Each stage can have several Tasks. Every task within a stage executes the same operation, with each task handling one Partition. The number of partitions indicates the number of tasks within each stage.

Spark Session


Spark Session is a unified entry point of a spark application from Spark 2.0

Spark Session Life Cycle
Spark Session Life Cycle

Once the user is ready with the Application, it is submitted to Spark for execution. The application goes to the Driver which initiates the spark session. After the application is compiled, DAG creates logical plans in the form of lineage graphs. Based on the computation required and the presence of worker nodes, the task executors request resources from the Cluster Manager. The Cluster Manager then allocates the required resources to perform the task.

Now the Driver establishes a direct connection with the Workers, assigns tasks to is, and also gets the response directly. The Driver returns the result to the user and the Application ends.

Stop current spark session:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = (
        .config("park.executor.memory", "2g")
        .config("spark.executor.cores", 4)
        .enableHiveSupport()  # Default be True

Get default config:

from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark import SparkConf


sc = (
                .set("spark.executor.memory", "2g")
                .set("spark.executor.cores", "4")

Spark API

Structured Spark API Execution plan
Structured Spark API Execution plan

Spark RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets

Low-level API

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) is collection of elements partitioned that distributes to each node in cluster and work parallel.

You can convert the Abstract DataFrame to Low-level RDD by:

rdd ="file.csv", header=True).rdd

RDDs support 2 operations:

  • Transformations — create new rdd but lazy meaning they don't execute until you call an action on RDD.

    Some transformations on RDDs are flatMap(), map(), reduceByKey(), filter(), sortByKey() and all these return a new RDD instead of updating the current.

  • Actions — return value to driver program after compute dataset finish.

    Some actions on RDDs are count(), collect(), first(), max(), reduce() and more.

High-level API

Structured API is tool for manipulate all sorts of data such as Unstructured, Semi-Structured, Structured data

Structured API able to use with batch and streaming computation that is Spark SQL, Dataframes, Datasets API but for streaming, it be Spark Structured Streaming.




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