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Pod Scheduling

Scheduling in Kubernetes is a core component as it determines where a pod will be launched. For every pod scheduler finds the best Node for launching it. There are several ways available through which one can determine on what node, pods can be placed.

Among these features, Node selector, affinity and anti-affinity, taints & toleration, stand out as essential tools for fine-tuning pod placement according to specific requirements.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

Node Selector

Node Selector is the simplest yet effective way to control pod scheduling on specific nodes in a Kubernetes cluster based on labels. Node Selector allows us to specify a label query (key-value pairs defined in Pod spec) that must be satisfied by a node for a pod to be scheduled on that node. This feature provides a straightforward mechanism for pod placement according to simple matching attributes like node labels.

We can label the nodes where we want specific pods to be scheduled:

kubectl label nodes <node-name> disktype=ssd

Specifying Node Selector in Pod Spec:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: spark-executors
  - name: spark-executors
    image: apache-spark:v3.4.1
    disktype: ssd

This pod will only be scheduled on nodes labeled with disktype=ssd.
