Getting Started
Table Size
CREATE VIEW dbo.vTableSizes
WITH base
GETDATE() AS [execution_time]
, DB_NAME() AS [database_name]
, AS [schema_name]
, AS [table_name]
, QUOTENAME('.'+QUOTENAME( AS [two_part_name]
, nt.[name] AS [node_table_name]
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY nt.[name] ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS [node_table_name_seq]
, tp.[distribution_policy_desc] AS [distribution_policy_name]
, c.[name] AS [distribution_column]
, nt.[distribution_id] AS [distribution_id]
, i.[type] AS [index_type]
, i.[type_desc] AS [index_type_desc]
, nt.[pdw_node_id] AS [pdw_node_id]
, pn.[type] AS [pdw_node_type]
, pn.[name] AS [pdw_node_name]
, AS [dist_name]
, di.position AS [dist_position]
, nps.[partition_number] AS [partition_nmbr]
, nps.[reserved_page_count] AS [reserved_space_page_count]
, nps.[reserved_page_count] - nps.[used_page_count] AS [unused_space_page_count]
, nps.[in_row_data_page_count]
+ nps.[row_overflow_used_page_count]
+ nps.[lob_used_page_count] AS [data_space_page_count]
, nps.[reserved_page_count]
- (nps.[reserved_page_count] - nps.[used_page_count])
- ([in_row_data_page_count]
+ [row_overflow_used_page_count]+[lob_used_page_count]) AS [index_space_page_count]
, nps.[row_count] AS [row_count]
sys.schemas s
INNER JOIN sys.tables t
ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i
ON t.[object_id] = i.[object_id]
AND i.[index_id] <= 1
INNER JOIN sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties tp
ON t.[object_id] = tp.[object_id]
INNER JOIN sys.pdw_table_mappings tm
ON t.[object_id] = tm.[object_id]
INNER JOIN sys.pdw_nodes_tables nt
ON tm.[physical_name] = nt.[name]
INNER JOIN sys.dm_pdw_nodes pn
ON nt.[pdw_node_id] = pn.[pdw_node_id]
INNER JOIN sys.pdw_distributions di
ON nt.[distribution_id] = di.[distribution_id]
INNER JOIN sys.dm_pdw_nodes_db_partition_stats nps
ON nt.[object_id] = nps.[object_id]
AND nt.[pdw_node_id] = nps.[pdw_node_id]
AND nt.[distribution_id] = nps.[distribution_id]
AND i.[index_id] = nps.[index_id]
LEFT OUTER JOIN (select * from sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties where distribution_ordinal = 1) cdp
ON t.[object_id] = cdp.[object_id]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c
ON cdp.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
AND cdp.[column_id] = c.[column_id]
WHERE pn.[type] = 'COMPUTE'
, size
, [database_name]
, [schema_name]
, [table_name]
, [two_part_name]
, [node_table_name]
, [node_table_name_seq]
, [distribution_policy_name]
, [distribution_column]
, [distribution_id]
, [index_type]
, [index_type_desc]
, [pdw_node_id]
, [pdw_node_type]
, [pdw_node_name]
, [dist_name]
, [dist_position]
, [partition_nmbr]
, [reserved_space_page_count]
, [unused_space_page_count]
, [data_space_page_count]
, [index_space_page_count]
, [row_count]
, ([reserved_space_page_count] * 8.0) AS [reserved_space_KB]
, ([reserved_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000 AS [reserved_space_MB]
, ([reserved_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000 AS [reserved_space_GB]
, ([reserved_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000000 AS [reserved_space_TB]
, ([unused_space_page_count] * 8.0) AS [unused_space_KB]
, ([unused_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000 AS [unused_space_MB]
, ([unused_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000 AS [unused_space_GB]
, ([unused_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000000 AS [unused_space_TB]
, ([data_space_page_count] * 8.0) AS [data_space_KB]
, ([data_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000 AS [data_space_MB]
, ([data_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000 AS [data_space_GB]
, ([data_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000000 AS [data_space_TB]
, ([index_space_page_count] * 8.0) AS [index_space_KB]
, ([index_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000 AS [index_space_MB]
, ([index_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000 AS [index_space_GB]
, ([index_space_page_count] * 8.0)/1000000000 AS [index_space_TB]
FROM base
FROM size
Design tables using dedicated SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics
Operation Status
-- This query returns the latest operations in the server
-- it needs to be executed in the master database
-- the information in this table is removed automatically after 2 or 3 hours
SELECT [session_activity_id]
FROM sys.dm_operation_status
Data Skew & Outdated State
-- data skew -> cmp_rows>1mil, skew >= 10%
-- missing stats -> cmp_rows>1mil, ctl_rows=1000
-- outdated stats -> cmp_rows>1mil, cmp_rows <> ctl_rows (for (cmp_rows-ctl_rows) > 20%)
DECLARE @minRows INT = 1000000;
DECLARE @minSkewPercent decimal=10.0;
DECLARE @missingStatCtlRowCount int=1000;
DECLARE @CtlCmpRowDifferencePercentageForOutdatedStats decimal=20.0;
WITH cmp_details AS
select tm.object_id, ps.index_id, ps.distribution_id, count(ps.partition_number) [partitions], sum(ps.row_count) cmp_row_count
from sys.dm_pdw_nodes_db_partition_stats ps
join sys.pdw_nodes_tables nt on nt.object_id=ps.object_id and ps.distribution_id=nt.distribution_id
join sys.pdw_table_mappings tm on
where ps.index_id<2
group by tm.object_id, ps.index_id, ps.distribution_id
, cmp_summary as
select object_id, index_id, sum(cmp_row_count) cmp_row_count
, (max(cmp_row_count)-min(cmp_row_count)) highest_skew_rows_difference
, convert(decimal(10,2),((max(cmp_row_count) - min(cmp_row_count))*100.0 / nullif(sum(cmp_row_count),0))) skew_percent
from cmp_details
group by object_id, index_id
, ctl_summary as
select t.object_id, i.index_id, sch_name, table_name, i.type_desc table_type, dp.distribution_policy_desc distribution_type, count(p.partition_number) [partitions], sum(p.rows) ctl_row_count
from sys.schemas s
join sys.tables t on t.schema_id=s.schema_id
join sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties dp on dp.object_id=t.object_id
join sys.indexes i on i.object_id=t.object_id and i.index_id<2
join sys.partitions p on p.object_id=t.object_id and p.index_id=i.index_id
group by t.object_id, i.index_id,,, i.type_desc, dp.distribution_policy_desc
, [all_results] as
select ctl.object_id, ctl.index_id, ctl.sch_name, ctl.table_name, ctl.table_type, ctl.distribution_type, ctl.[partitions]
, ctl.ctl_row_count, cmp.cmp_row_count, convert(decimal(10,2),(abs(ctl.ctl_row_count - cmp.cmp_row_count)*100.0 / nullif(cmp.cmp_row_count,0))) ctl_cmp_difference_percent
, cmp.highest_skew_rows_difference, cmp.skew_percent
, case
when (ctl.ctl_row_count = @missingStatCtlRowCount) then 'missing stats'
when ((ctl.ctl_row_count <> cmp.cmp_row_count) and ((abs(ctl.ctl_row_count - cmp.cmp_row_count)*100.0 / nullif(cmp.cmp_row_count,0)) > @CtlCmpRowDifferencePercentageForOutdatedStats)) then 'outdated stats'
else null
end stat_info
, case when (cmp.skew_percent >= @minSkewPercent) then 'data skew' else null end skew_info
from ctl_summary ctl
join cmp_summary cmp on ctl.object_id=cmp.object_id and ctl.index_id=cmp.index_id
select *
from [all_results]
where cmp_row_count>@minRows and (stat_info is not null or skew_info is not null)
order by sch_name, table_name