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Self Hosted with FastAPI

When we want to create a Rest API application like Azure Function App on an on-premises server, it is simply to use the FastAPI package, which is a lightweight Python ASGI web application, for this our purpose.

Getting Started

Setup Application

Let’s start setting up your FastAPI application and a .bat script for run this application with dynamic input arguments.

from fastapi import FastAPI

def create_app() -> FastAPI:
    """Application Factory"""
    app = FastAPI()

    async def health():
        return {"message": "Hello World"}

    return app
import uvicorn
from import create_app

app = create_app()

if __name__ == '__main__':, host="", port=8000)
@echo off
goto :init

    echo USAGE:
    echo   %__bat_filename% [flags] "release argument"
    echo.  -h, --help           shows this help
    echo.  -p, --port value     specifies a port number value
    echo.  --reload             enable auto-reload
    goto :eof

    call :usage
    echo ****
    goto :eof

    echo Port does set from argument and port changes from 8000 to %__port% ...
    goto :eof

    if "%~1"=="full" call :usage & goto :eof
    echo %__version%
    goto :eof

    set "__name=%~n0"
    set "__port=8000"

    set "__bat_filepath=%~0"
    set "__bat_path=%~dp0"
    set "__bat_filename=%~nx0"

    set "__version=0.1.0"
    set "__reload="
    set "__release="

    if "%~1"==""                goto :validate

    if /i "%~1"=="-h"           call :usage "%~2" & goto :end
    if /i "%~1"=="--help"       call :usage "%~2" & goto :end

    if /i "%~1"=="-v"           call :version      & goto :end
    if /i "%~1"=="--version"    call :version full & goto :end

    if /i "%~1"=="-p"           set "__port=%~2" & shift & shift & call :port & goto :parse
    if /i "%~1"=="--port"       set "__port=%~2" & shift & shift & call :port & goto :parse

    if /i "%~1"=="--reload"     set "__reload=--reload" & shift & goto :parse

    if not defined __release    set "__release=%~1" & shift & goto :parse

    goto :parse

    if not defined __release call :missing_args & goto :end

    echo INFO: Start running server with release "%__release%" ...
    call .\venv\Scripts\activate
    call uvicorn main:app --port %__port% %__reload%

    echo End and Clean Up
    call :cleanup
    exit /B

    REM The cleanup function is only really necessary if you
    REM are _not_ using SETLOCAL.

    set "__name="
    set "__port="

    set "__bat_filepath="
    set "__bat_path="
    set "__bat_filename="

    set "__release="
    set "__version="
    set "__reload="

    goto :eof


I use the .bat script because the on-premise server that I want to run is Windows OS.

Deploy to Window Service

I use the NSSM software for wrap the runserver.bat script file and monitor whether my app is able to run continuously on the Windows service. So, I will Download NSSM and unzip the installed file to the current path.


We cannot use the Docker container in the target on-premises server because of the Windows Server version does not support, it be Windows Server 2016 which does not support Linux container on VM and WSL.

First, we install my application on the Windows service, which can be seen in the Services software.

.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe install "FastAPIService" "%cd%\runserver.bat"

Next, we can setup additional the logging component for stdout and stderr in this application.

.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe set "FastAPIService" AppStdout "%cd%\logs\FastAPIService.log"
.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe set "FastAPIService" AppStderr "%cd%\logs\FastAPIService.log"
.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe set "FastAPIService" AppRotateFiles 1
.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe set "FastAPIService" AppRotateOnline 1
.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe set "FastAPIService" AppRotateSeconds 86400
.\nssm\win64\nssm.exe set "FastAPIService" AppRotateBytes 1048576

Finally, we start the application service by sc.exe command.

sc.exe start "FastAPIService"


I cannot use the python package, pywin32, because I get the error message;

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

when start this application service on locally.

Setup Agent to On-Premises Server

We will create a CI/CD deployment pipeline with Azure DevOps that able to deploy the application to target server. The purpose is running this application on the Windows service in an on-premises server.

Firstly, the on-premises server does not connect to Azure DevOps because It was not listed in the Agent Pools by Self-Hosted agent connection type in my organization setting. So, we create a new agent pool name like MYSTDVM01 and follow the Azure document to list this new agent in the Agents menu.


More detail about the new Agent implementation, How to install Self-hosted Windows agent for Azure DevOps.

If you want to let everyone in your group of Azure DevOps can see and use this agent, you should add owner permission to your group by Organization Setting > Agent Pools > Your Agent Pool > Security.

Next, We create a folder $(Agent.HomeDirectory)/app for keeping source code without the DevOps pipeline process before deploying my artifact to this agent.

Finally, we set up a Python interpreter for running the Python application in this agent.

  • Download the required version of Python and install it on this agent

  • Copy all the installed python files from C:/Users/{user}/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39 to $(Agent.ToolsDirectory)/Python/3.9.13/x64/*

  • Create a complete file at $(Agent.ToolsDirectory)/Python/3.9.13/x64.complete for trigger Azure DevOps pipeline can use this package in the job


If your server set a proxy firwall rule, you can run self-hosted agent config by ./config.cmd --proxyurl --proxyusername "CEMENTH/{user}" --proxypassword "*******", it will save your password to .proxycredentials file for reuse this password for proxy mode configuration.

Deploy to On-Premises Server

For the CI pipeline, I test code and package dependencies on the artifact server.

  - job: Phase_1
    displayName: Build and Test
      vmImage: windows-latest
      python.version: "3.9, 3.10"
      - checkout: self
        clean: true
        fetchDepth: 1
      - task: UsePythonVersion@0
        displayName: Use Python $(python.version)
          versionSpec: $(python.version)
      - task: CmdLine@2
        displayName: Install dependencies
          script: python -m pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r requirements.txt
          workingDirectory: fastapi
          failOnStderr: true
      - task: CmdLine@2
        displayName: pytest
          script: pip install pytest && pytest tests --doctest-modules --junitxml=junit/test-results.xml
          workingDirectory: fastapi
          failOnStderr: true
      - task: PublishTestResults@2
        displayName: Publish Test Results **/test-results.xml
          testResultsFiles: "**/test-results.xml"
          failTaskOnFailedTests: true
          testRunTitle: Python $(python.version)
  - job: Phase_2
    displayName: Publish
    dependsOn: Phase_1
      vmImage: windows-latest
      - checkout: self
        clean: true
        fetchDepth: 1
      - task: UsePythonVersion@0
        displayName: Use Python 3.9.13
          versionSpec: 3.9.13
      - task: CmdLine@2
        displayName: Create virtual environment
          script: python -m pip install --upgrade pip && python -m venv venv
          workingDirectory: fastapi
      - task: CmdLine@2
        displayName: Install dependencies
          script: .\venv\Scripts\activate && pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache
          workingDirectory: fastapi
      - task: CmdLine@2
        displayName: Pack dependency files to wheel format
          script: .\venv\Scripts\activate && pip wheel -w wheels -r .\requirements.txt && echo "Create wheel files successful."
          workingDirectory: fastapi
      - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
        displayName: "Publish Artifact: drop"
          PathtoPublish: fastapi


For the Python dependencies in the requirement.txt file, I use wheel to download these dependencies from PyPI and save them to \wheels path by pip wheel -w wheels -r .\requirements.txt

For the CD pipeline, I deploy the application to the Windows service and the test service.

- job: Phase_1
  displayName: Deploy job
    vmImage: Self-hosted agent
    python.version: '3.9, 3.10'
    application_name: 'FastAPIServiceDev'
    application_port: '8001'
    application_folder: 'dev/app_dmz'
    health_route: 'health/'
  - powershell: |
      echo "User that this job uses to run:"
      $service = Get-Service -Name "$(application_name)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
      if ($service -eq $null)
          echo "Service does not exists."
      } else {
          echo "Service does exists ..."
          sc.exe stop "$(application_name)"
          nssm.exe remove "$(application_name)" confirm
          echo "Success stop and remove service."
      Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
    displayName: 'Remove existing Windows Service'
  - task: CopyFiles@2
    displayName: 'Copy Files to App Folder'
      SourceFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_DATA360-DMZ/drop'
      Contents: |
      TargetFolder: '$(Agent.HomeDirectory)/app/$(application_folder)'
      CleanTargetFolder: true
  - task: UsePythonVersion@0
    displayName: 'Use Python 3.9.13'
      versionSpec: 3.9.13
      disableDownloadFromRegistry: true
  - powershell: |
      echo "Start run setup ..."
      $service = Get-Service -Name "$(application_name)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
      if ($service -eq $null)
          echo "Service does not exists"
          nssm.exe install "$(application_name)" "$(pwd)\scripts\runserver.bat" "--port $(application_port) develop"
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppDirectory "$(pwd)"
          echo "Set AppStdout to $(pwd)\logs\$(application_name).log"
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppStdout "$(pwd)\logs\$(application_name).log"
          echo "Set AppStderr to $(pwd)\logs\$(application_name).log"
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppStderr "$(pwd)\logs\$(application_name).log"
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppRotateFiles 1
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppRotateOnline 1
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppRotateSeconds 86400
          nssm.exe set "$(application_name)" AppRotateBytes 1048576
      } else {
          echo "Service does exists."
      nssm.exe status "$(application_name)"
      sc.exe start "$(application_name)"
    workingDirectory: '$(Agent.HomeDirectory)\app\$(application_folder)\'
    displayName: 'Setup and Install Windows service'
- job: Phase_1
  displayName: Deploy job
    vmImage: Self-hosted agent
    application_port: '8001'
    health_route: 'health/'
  - powershell: |
      $r = curl.exe "http://localhost:$(application_port)/$(health_route)" --silent
      if (($r -ne '{"detail":"Not Found"}') -or ($r)) {
        echo "SUCCESS: The application can run normally."
        exit 0;
      } else {
        echo "ERROR: Failed to request to health check endpoint."
        exit 1;
    displayName: 'RestAPI to Health Check'


We should install NSSM on that on-premises server before running this CI/CD pipeline. If you get a permission issue of your agent job when executing the NSSM file, you can add the self-host agent user, NetworkService, to the Admin group in that server.

Setup Environments

We will set up environments for the CD pipelines by the port of application such as 8001 for development and 8000 for production because we want to partition that server for two environments.