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State Machine Language


This topic copy information from Amazon States Language1. I think this knowledge is powerfull to reuse this concept for create any state declarative object in the Data Pipeline workflow.


A State Machine is represented by a JSON Object.

Example: Hello World
  "Comment": "A simple minimal example of the States language",
  "StartAt": "Hello World",
  "States": {
    "Hello World": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld",
      "End": true

Top-level fields:

  • A State Machine MUST have an object field named "States", whose fields represent the states.
  • A State Machine MUST have a string field named "StartAt", whose value MUST exactly match one of names of the "States" fields. The interpreter starts running the machine at the named state.
  • A State Machine MAY have a string field named "Comment", provided for human-readable description of the machine.
  • A State Machine MAY have a string field named "Version", which gives the version of the States language used in the machine. This document describes version 1.0, and if omitted, the default value of "Version" is the string "1.0".
  • A State Machine MAY have an integer field named "TimeoutSeconds". If provided, it provides the maximum number of seconds the machine is allowed to run. If the machine runs longer than the specified time, then the interpreter fails the machine with a States.Timeout Error Name.



States are represented as fields of the top-level "States" object. The state name, whose length MUST BE less than or equal to 80 Unicode characters, is the field name; state names MUST be unique within the scope of the whole state machine. States describe tasks (units of work), or specify flow control (e.g. Choice).

Here is an example state that executes a Lambda function:

"HelloWorld": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld",
  "Next": "NextState",
  "Comment": "Executes the HelloWorld Lambda function"


  • All states MUST have a "Type" field. This document refers to the values of this field as a state's type, and to a state such as the one in the example above as a Task State.

  • Any state MAY have a "Comment" field, to hold a human-readable comment or description.

  • Most state types require additional fields as specified in this document.

  • Any state except for Choice, Succeed, and Fail MAY have a field named "End" whose value MUST be a boolean. The term "Terminal State" means a state with with { "End": true }, or a state with { "Type": "Succeed" }, or a state with { "Type": "Fail" }.


Transitions link states together, defining the control flow for the state machine. After executing a non-terminal state, the interpreter follows a transition to the next state. For most state types, transitions are unconditional and specified through the state's "Next" field.

All non-terminal states MUST have a "Next" field, except for the Choice State. The value of the "Next" field MUST exactly and case-sensitively match the name of the another state.

States can have multiple incoming transitions from other states.


The Choice and Wait States deal with JSON field values which represent timestamps. These are strings which MUST conform to the RFC3339 profile of ISO 8601, with the further restrictions that an uppercase "T" character MUST be used to separate date and time, and an uppercase "Z" character MUST be present in the absence of a numeric time zone offset, for example "2016-03-14T01:59:00Z".


The interpreter passes data between states to perform calculations or to dynamically control the state machine's flow. All such data MUST be expressed in JSON.

When a state machine is started, the caller can provide an initial JSON text as input, which is passed to the machine's start state as input. If no input is provided, the default is an empty JSON object, {}. As each state is executed, it receives a JSON text as input and can produce arbitrary output, which MUST be a JSON text. When two states are linked by a transition, the output from the first state is passed as input to the second state. The output from the machine's terminal state is treated as its output.

The Context Object

The interpreter can provide information to an executing state machine about the execution and other implementation details. This is delivered in the form of a JSON object called the "Context Object". This version of the States Language specification does not specify any contents of the Context Object.


A Path is a string, beginning with "$", used to identify components with a JSON text. The syntax is that of JsonPath.

When a Path begins with "$$", two dollar signs, this signals that it is intended to identify content within the Context Object. The first dollar sign is stripped, and the remaining text, which begins with a dollar sign, is interpreted as the JSONPath applying to the Context Object.

Reference Paths

A Reference Path is a Path with syntax limited in such a way that it can only identify a single node in a JSON structure: The operators "@", ",", ":", and "?" are not supported - all Reference Paths MUST be unambiguous references to a single value, array, or object (subtree).

For example, if state input data contained the values:

  "foo": 123,
  "bar": ["a", "b", "c"],
  "car": {
      "cdr": true

Then the following Reference Paths would return:

$.foo => 123
$.bar => ["a", "b", "c"]
$.car.cdr => true

Paths and Reference Paths are used by certain states, as specified later in this document, to control the flow of a state machine or to configure a state's settings or options.

Here are some examples of acceptable Reference Path syntax:


Payload Template

A state machine interpreter dispatches data as input to tasks to do useful work, and receives output back from them. It is frequently desired to reshape input data to meet the format expectations of tasks, and similarly to reshape the output coming back. A JSON object structure called a Payload Template is provided for this purpose.

In the Task, Map, Parallel, and Pass States, the Payload Template is the value of a field named "Parameters". In the Task, Map, and Parallel States, there is another Payload Template which is the value of a field named "ResultSelector".

A Payload Template MUST be a JSON object; it has no required fields. The interpreter processes the Payload Template as described in this section; the result of that processing is called the payload.

To illustrate by example, the Task State has a field named "Parameters" whose value is a Payload Template. Consider the following Task State:

"X": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:X",
  "Next": "Y",
  "Parameters": {
    "first": 88,
    "second": 99

In this case, the payload is the object with "first" and "second" fields whose values are respectively 88 and 99. No processing needs to be performed and the payload is identical to the Payload Template.

Values from the Payload Template's input and the Context Object can be inserted into the payload with a combination of a field-naming convention, Paths and Intrinsic Functions.

If any field within the Payload Template (however deeply nested) has a name ending with the characters ".\(", its value is transformed according to rules below and the field is renamed to strip the ".\)" suffix.

If the field value begins with only one "$", the value MUST be a Path. In this case, the Path is applied to the Payload Template's input and is the new field value.

If the field value begins with "$$", the first dollar sign is stripped and the remainder MUST be a Path. In this case, the Path is applied to the Context Object and is the new field value.

If the field value does not begin with "$", it MUST be an Intrinsic Function (see below). The interpreter invokes the Intrinsic Function and the result is the new field value.

If the path is legal but cannot be applied successfully, the interpreter fails the machine execution with an Error Name of "States.ParameterPathFailure". If the Intrinsic Function fails during evaluation, the interpreter fails the machine execution with an Error Name of "States.IntrinsicFailure".

A JSON object MUST NOT have duplicate field names after fields ending with the characters ".\(" are renamed to strip the ".\)" suffix.

"X": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:X",
  "Next": "Y",
  "Parameters": {
    "flagged": true,
    "parts": {
      "first.$": "$.vals[0]",
      "last3.$": "$.vals[-3:]"
    "weekday.$": "$$.DayOfWeek",
    "formattedOutput.$": "States.Format('Today is {}', $$.DayOfWeek)"

Suppose that the input to the P is as follows:

  "flagged": 7,
  "vals": [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]

Further, suppose that the Context Object is as follows:

  "DayOfWeek": "TUESDAY"

In this case, the effective input to the code identified in the "Resource" field would be as follows:

  "flagged": true,
  "parts": {
    "first": 0,
    "last3": [30, 40, 50]
  "weekday": "TUESDAY",
  "formattedOutput": "Today is TUESDAY"

Intrinsic Functions

The States Language provides a small number of "Intrinsic Functions", constructs which look like functions in programming languages and can be used to help Payload Templates process the data going to and from Task Resources. See Appendix B for a full list of Intrinsic Functions

Here is an example of an Intrinsic Function named "States.Format" being used to prepare data:

"X": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:X",
  "Next": "Y",
  "Parameters": {
    "greeting.$": "States.Format('Welcome to {} {}\\'s playlist.', $.firstName, $.lastName)"


  • An Intrinsic Function MUST be a string.
  • The Intrinsic Function MUST begin with an Intrinsic Function name. An Intrinsic Function name MUST contain only the characters A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, ".", and "_".
  • All Intrinsic Functions defined by this specification have names that begin with "States.". Other implementations may define their own Intrinsic Functions whose names MUST NOT begin with "States.".
  • The Intrinsic Function name MUST be followed immediately by a list of zero or more arguments, enclosed by "(" and ")", and separated by commas.
  • Intrinsic Function arguments may be strings enclosed by apostrophe (') characters, numbers, null, Paths, or nested Intrinsic Functions.
  • The value of a string, number or null argument is the argument itself. The value of an argument which is a Path is the result of applying it to the input of the Payload Template. The value of an argument which is an Intrinsic Function is the result of the function invocation."

Note that in the example above, the first argument of States.Format could have been a Path that yielded the formatting template string.

  • The following characters are reserved for all Intrinsic Functions and MUST be escaped: ' { } \

If any of the reserved characters needs to appear as part of the value without serving as a reserved character, it MUST be escaped with a backslash.

If the character " needs to appear as part of the value without serving as an escape character, it MUST be escaped with a backslash.

The literal string \' represents '. The literal string \{ represents {. The literal string \} represents }. The literal string \\ represents \.

In JSON, all backslashes contained in a string literal value must be escaped with another backslash, therefore, the above will equate to:

The escaped string \\' represents '. The escaped string \\{ represents {. The escaped string \\} represents }. The escaped string \\\\ represents \.

If an open escape backslash \ is found in the Intrinsic Function, the interpreter will throw a runtime error.

Input and Output Processing

As described above, data is passed between states as JSON texts. However, a state may want to process only a subset of its input data, and may want that data structured differently from the way it appears in the input. Similarly, it may want to control the format and content of the data that it passes on as output.

Fields named "InputPath", "Parameters", "ResultSelector", "ResultPath", and "OutputPath" exist to support this.

Any state except for the Fail and Succeed States MAY have "InputPath" and "OutputPath".

States which potentially generate results MAY have "Parameters", "ResultSelector" and "ResultPath": Task State, Parallel State, and Map State.

Pass State MAY have "Parameters" and "ResultPath" to control its output value.

Using InputPath, Parameters, ResultSelector, ResultPath and OutputPath

In this discussion, "raw input" means the JSON text that is the input to a state. "Result" means the JSON text that a state generates, for example from external code invoked by a Task State, the combined result of the branches in a Parallel or Map State, or the Value of the "Result" field in a Pass State. "Effective input" means the input after the application of InputPath and Parameters, "effective result" means the result after processing it with ResultSelector and "effective output" means the final state output after processing the result with ResultSelector, ResultPath and OutputPath.

  • The value of "InputPath" MUST be a Path, which is applied to a State's raw input to select some or all of it; that selection is used by the state, for example in passing to Resources in Task States and Choices selectors in Choice States.
  • The value of "Parameters" MUST be a Payload Template which is a JSON object, whose input is the result of applying the InputPath to the raw input. If the "Parameters" field is provided, its payload, after the extraction and embedding, becomes the effective input.
  • The value of "ResultSelector" MUST be a Payload Template, whose input is the result, and whose payload replaces and becomes the effective result.
  • The value of "ResultPath" MUST be a Reference Path, which specifies the raw input's combination with or replacement by the state's result.
  • The value of "ResultPath" MUST NOT begin with "$$"; i.e. it may not be used to insert content into the Context Object.
  • The value of "OutputPath" MUST be a Path, which is applied to the state's output after the application of ResultPath, producing the effective output which serves as the raw input for the next state.

Note that JsonPath can yield multiple values when applied to an input JSON text. For example, given the text:

{ "a": [1, 2, 3, 4] }

Then if the JsonPath $.a[0,1] is applied, the result will be two JSON texts, 1 and 2. When this happens, to produce the effective input, the interpreter gathers the texts into an array, so in this example the state would see the input:

[ 1, 2 ]

The same rule applies to OutputPath processing; if the OutputPath result contains multiple values, the effective output is a JSON array containing all of them.

The "ResultPath" field's value is a Reference Path that specifies where to place the result, relative to the raw input. If the raw input has a field at the location addressed by the ResultPath value then in the output that field is discarded and overwritten by the state's result. Otherwise, a new field is created in the state output, with intervening fields constructed as necessary. For example, given the raw input:

  "master": {
    "detail": [1, 2, 3]

If the state's result is the number 6, and the "ResultPath" is $.master.detail, then in the output the detail field would be overwritten:

  "master": {
    "detail": 6

If instead a "ResultPath" of $.master.result.sum was used then the result would be combined with the raw input, producing a chain of new fields containing result and sum:

  "master": {
    "detail": [1, 2, 3],
    "result": {
      "sum": 6

If the value of InputPath is null, that means that the raw input is discarded, and the effective input for the state is an empty JSON object, {}. Note that having a value of null is different from the "InputPath" field being absent.

If the value of ResultPath is null, that means that the state's result is discarded and its raw input becomes its result.

If the value of OutputPath is null, that means the input and result are discarded, and the effective output from the state is an empty JSON object, {}.


Each of InputPath, Parameters, ResultSelector, ResultPath, and OutputPath are optional. The default value of InputPath is "\(", so by default the effective input is just the raw input. The default value of ResultPath is "\)", so by default a state's result overwrites and replaces the input. The default value of OutputPath is "$", so by default a state's effective output is the result of processing ResultPath.

Parameters and ResultSelector have no default value. If absent, they have no effect on their input.

Therefore, if none of InputPath, Parameters, ResultSelector, ResultPath, or OutputPath are supplied, a state consumes the raw input as provided and passes its result to the next state.

Input/Output Processing Examples

Consider the example given above, of a Lambda task that sums a pair of numbers. As presented, its input is: { "val1": 3, "val2": 4 } and its output is: 7.

Suppose the input is little more complex:

  "title": "Numbers to add",
  "numbers": { "val1": 3, "val2": 4 }

Then suppose we modify the state definition by adding:

"InputPath": "$.numbers",
"ResultPath": "$.sum"

And finally,suppose we simplify Line 4 of the Lambda function to read as follows: return JSON.stringify(total). This is probably a better form of the function, which should really only care about doing math and not care how its result is labeled.

In this case, the output would be:

  "title": "Numbers to add",
  "numbers": { "val1": 3, "val2": 4 },
  "sum": 7

The interpreter might need to construct multiple levels of JSON object to achieve the desired effect. Suppose the input to some Task State is:

{ "a": 1 }

Suppose the output from the Task is "Hi!", and the value of the "ResultPath" field is "$.b.greeting". Then the output from the state would be:

  "a": 1,
  "b": {
    "greeting": "Hi!"

Runtime Errors

Suppose a state's input is the string "foo", and its "ResultPath" field has the value "$.x". Then ResultPath cannot apply and the interpreter fails the machine with an Error Name of "States.ResultPathMatchFailure".


Any state can encounter runtime errors. Errors can arise because of state machine definition issues (e.g. the "ResultPath" problem discussed immediately above), task failures (e.g. an exception thrown by a Lambda function) or because of transient issues, such as network partition events.

When a state reports an error, the default course of action for the interpreter is to fail the whole state machine.

Error representation

Errors are identified by case-sensitive strings, called Error Names. The States language defines a set of built-in strings naming well-known errors, all of which begin with the prefix "States."; see Appendix A.

States MAY report errors with other names, which MUST NOT begin with the prefix "States.".

Retrying after error

Task States, Parallel States, and Map States MAY have a field named "Retry", whose value MUST be an array of objects, called Retriers.

Each Retrier MUST contain a field named "ErrorEquals" whose value MUST be a non-empty array of Strings, which match Error Names.

When a state reports an error, the interpreter scans through the Retriers and, when the Error Name appears in the value of a Retrier's "ErrorEquals" field, implements the retry policy described in that Retrier.

An individual Retrier represents a certain number of retries, usually at increasing time intervals.

A Retrier MAY contain a field named "IntervalSeconds", whose value MUST be a positive integer, representing the number of seconds before the first retry attempt (default value: 1); a field named "MaxAttempts" whose value MUST be a non-negative integer, representing the maximum number of retry attempts (default: 3); a field named "MaxDelaySeconds" whose value MUST be positive integer, representing the maximum interval in seconds to wait before the next retry attempt; a field named "JitterStrategy", whose value MUST be a string, representing the jitter strategy to use in the retry interval calculation; and a field named "BackoffRate", a number which is the multiplier that increases the retry interval on each attempt (default: 2.0). The value of BackoffRate MUST be greater than or equal to 1.0.

Note that a "MaxAttempts" field whose value is 0 is legal, specifying that some error or errors should never be retried.

The States Language does not constrain the value of the "JitterStrategy" field. The interpreter will use the specified value to select the jitter strategy to use when calculating the retry interval.

Here is an example of a Retrier which will make 2 retry attempts after waits of 3 and 6 seconds:

"Retry" : [
    "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Timeout" ],
    "IntervalSeconds": 3,
    "MaxAttempts": 2,
    "BackoffRate": 2.0

Here is the same example, but with a maximum limit of 4 seconds on the retry interval. In this case the Retrier will make the second attempt after 4 seconds, rather than 6 seconds:

"Retry" : [
    "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Timeout" ],
    "IntervalSeconds": 3,
    "MaxAttempts": 2,
    "BackoffRate": 2.0,
    "MaxDelaySeconds": 4

Here is an example of a Retrier which uses an interpreter-defined JitterStrategy called "SAMPLE". Instead of waiting for 2 seconds before the first retry attempt or 4 seconds before the second retry attempt, the interpreter will modify these values according to the jitter strategy:

"Retry" : [
    "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Timeout" ],
    "IntervalSeconds": 2,
    "MaxAttempts": 2,
    "BackoffRate": 2.0,
    "JitterStrategy": "SAMPLE"

The reserved name "States.ALL" in a Retrier's "ErrorEquals" field is a wildcard and matches any Error Name. Such a value MUST appear alone in the "ErrorEquals" array and MUST appear in the last Retrier in the "Retry" array.

Here is an example of a Retrier which will retry any error except for "States.Timeout", using the default retry parameters.

"Retry": [
    "ErrorEquals": [ "States.Timeout" ],
    "MaxAttempts": 0
    "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ]

If the error recurs more times than allowed for by the "MaxAttempts" field, retries cease and normal error handling resumes.

Complex retry scenarios

A Retrier's parameters apply across all visits to that Retrier in the context of a single state execution. This is best illustrated by example; consider the following Task State:

"X": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:X",
  "Next": "Y",
  "Retry": [
      "ErrorEquals": [ "ErrorA", "ErrorB" ],
      "IntervalSeconds": 1,
      "BackoffRate": 2,
      "MaxAttempts": 2
      "ErrorEquals": [ "ErrorC" ],
      "IntervalSeconds": 5
  "Catch": [
      "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ],
      "Next": "Z"

Suppose that this task fails four successive times, throwing Error Names "ErrorA", "ErrorB", "ErrorC", and "ErrorB". The first two errors match the first retrier and cause waits of one and two seconds. The third error matches the second retrier and causes a wait of five seconds. The fourth error would match the first retrier but its "MaxAttempts" ceiling of two retries has already been reached, so that Retrier fails, and execution is redirected to the "Z" state via the "Catch" field.

Note that once the interpreter transitions to another state in any way, all the Retrier parameters reset.

Fallback states

Task States, Parallel States, and Map States MAY have a field named "Catch", whose value MUST be an array of objects, called Catchers.

Each Catcher MUST contain a field named "ErrorEquals", specified exactly as with the Retrier "ErrorEquals" field, and a field named "Next" whose value MUST be a string exactly matching a State Name.

When a state reports an error and either there is no Retrier, or retries have failed to resolve the error, the interpreter scans through the Catchers in array order, and when the Error Name appears in the value of a Catcher's "ErrorEquals" field, transitions the machine to the state named in the value of the "Next" field.

The reserved name "States.ALL" appearing in a Retrier's "ErrorEquals" field is a wildcard and matches any Error Name. Such a value MUST appear alone in the "ErrorEquals" array and MUST appear in the last Catcher in the "Catch" array.

Error output

When a state reports an error and it matches a Catcher, causing a transfer to another state, the state's result (and thus the input to the state identified in the Catcher's "Next" field) is a JSON object, called the Error Output. The Error Output MUST have a string-valued field named "Error", containing the Error Name. It SHOULD have a string-valued field named "Cause", containing human-readable text about the error.

A Catcher MAY have an "ResultPath" field, which works exactly like a state's top-level "ResultPath", and may be used to inject the Error Output into the state's original input to create the input for the Catcher's "Next" state. The default value, if the "ResultPath" field is not provided, is "$", meaning that the output consists entirely of the Error Output.

Here is an example of a Catcher that will transition to the state named "RecoveryState" when a Lambda function throws an unhandled Java Exception, and otherwise to the "EndMachine" state, which is presumably Terminal.

Also in this example, if the first Catcher matches the Error Name, the input to "RecoveryState" will be the original state input, with the Error Output as the value of the top-level "error-info" field. For any other error, the input to "EndMachine" will just be the Error Output.

"Catch": [
    "ErrorEquals": [ "java.lang.Exception" ],
    "ResultPath": "$.error-info",
    "Next": "RecoveryState"
    "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ],
    "Next": "EndMachine"

Each Catcher can specific multiple errors to handle.

When a state has both "Retry" and "Catch" fields, the interpreter uses any appropriate Retriers first and only applies the matching Catcher transition if the retry policy fails to resolve the error.

State Types

As a reminder, the state type is given by the value of the "Type" field, which MUST appear in every State object.

Table of State Types and Fields

The Pass State (identified by "Type":"Pass") by default passes its input to its output, performing no work.

A Pass State MAY have a field named "Result". If present, its value is treated as the output of a virtual task, and placed as prescribed by the "ResultPath" field, if any, to be passed on to the next state. If "Result" is not provided, the output is the input. Thus if neither "Result" nor "ResultPath" are provided, the Pass State copies its input through to its output.

Here is an example of a Pass State that injects some fixed data into the state machine, probably for testing purposes.

"No-op": {
  "Type": "Pass",
  "Result": {
    "x-datum": 0.381018,
    "y-datum": 622.2269926397355
  "ResultPath": "$.coords",
  "Next": "End"
  "georefOf": "Home"
  "georefOf": "Home",
  "coords": {
    "x-datum": 0.381018,
    "y-datum": 622.2269926397355

The Task State (identified by "Type":"Task") causes the interpreter to execute the work identified by the state's "Resource" field.

Here is an example:

"TaskState": {
  "Comment": "Task State example",
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:states:us-east-1:123456789012:task:HelloWorld",
  "Next": "NextState",
  "TimeoutSeconds": 300,
  "HeartbeatSeconds": 60

A Task State MUST include a "Resource" field, whose value MUST be a URI that uniquely identifies the specific task to execute. The States language does not constrain the URI scheme nor any other part of the URI.

A Task State MAY include a "Parameters" field, whose value MUST be a Payload Template. A Task State MAY include a "ResultSelector" field, whose value MUST be a Payload Template.

Tasks can optionally specify timeouts. Timeouts (the "TimeoutSeconds" and "HeartbeatSeconds" fields) are specified in seconds and MUST be positive integers.

Both the total and heartbeat timeouts can be provided indirectly. A Task State may have "TimeoutSecondsPath" and "HeartbeatSecondsPath" fields which MUST be Reference Paths which, when resolved, MUST select fields whose values are positive integers. A Task State MUST NOT include both "TimeoutSeconds" and "TimeoutSecondsPath" or both "HeartbeatSeconds" and "HeartbeatSecondsPath".

If provided, the "HeartbeatSeconds" interval MUST be smaller than the "TimeoutSeconds" value.

If not provided, the default value of "TimeoutSeconds" is 60.

If the state runs longer than the specified timeout, or if more time than the specified heartbeat elapses between heartbeats from the task, then the interpreter fails the state with a States.Timeout Error Name.


A Task State MAY include a "Credentials" field, whose value MUST be a JSON object whose value is defined by the interpreter. The States language does not constrain the value of the "Credentials" field. The interpreter will use the specified credentials to execute the work identified by the state's "Resource" field.

A Choice State (identified by "Type":"Choice") adds branching logic to a state machine.

A Choice State MUST have a "Choices" field whose value is a non-empty array. Each element of the array MUST be a JSON object and is called a Choice Rule. A Choice Rule may be evaluated to return a boolean value. A Choice Rule at the top level, i.e. which is a member of the "Choices" array, MUST have a "Next" field, whose value MUST match a state name.

The interpreter attempts pattern-matches against the top-level Choice Rules in array order and transitions to the state specified in the "Next" field on the first Choice Rule where there is an exact match between the input value and a member of the comparison-operator array.

Here is an example of a Choice State.

"DispatchEvent": {
  "Type" : "Choice",
  "Choices": [
      "Not": {
        "Variable": "$.type",
        "StringEquals": "Private"
      "Next": "Public"
      "And": [
          "Variable": "$.value",
          "IsPresent": true
          "Variable": "$.value",
          "IsNumeric": true
          "Variable": "$.value",
          "NumericGreaterThanEquals": 20
          "Variable": "$.value",
          "NumericLessThan": 30
      "Next": "ValueInTwenties"
      "Variable": "$.rating",
      "NumericGreaterThanPath": "$.auditThreshold",
      "Next": "StartAudit"
  "Default": "RecordEvent"

In this example, suppose the machine is started with an input value of:

  "type": "Private",
  "value": 22

Then the interpreter will transition to the "ValueInTwenties" state, based on the "value" field.

A Choice Rule MUST be either a Boolean Expression or a Data-test Expression.

A Boolean Expression is a JSON object which contains a field named "And", "Or", or "Not". If the field name is "And" or "Or", the value MUST be an non-empty object array of Choice Rules, which MUST NOT contain "Next" fields; the interpreter processes the array elements in order, performing the boolean evaluations in the expected fashion, ceasing array processing when the boolean value has been unambiguously determined.

The value of a Boolean Expression containing a "Not" field MUST be a single Choice Rule, that MUST NOT contain a "Next" field; it returns the inverse of the boolean to which the Choice Rule evaluates.

A Data-test Expression Choice Rule is an assertion about a field and its value which yields a boolean depending on the data. A Data-test Expression MUST contain a field named "Variable" whose value MUST be a Path.

Each choice rule MUST contain exactly one field containing a comparison operator. The following comparison operators are supported:

  • StringEquals, StringEqualsPath
  • StringLessThan, StringLessThanPath
  • StringGreaterThan, StringGreaterThanPath
  • StringLessThanEquals, StringLessThanEqualsPath
  • StringGreaterThanEquals, StringGreaterThanEqualsPath
  • StringMatches

    Note: The value MUST be a String which MAY contain one or more "" characters. The expression yields true if the data value selected by the Variable Path matches the value, where "" in the value matches zero or more characters. Thus, foo*.log matches foo23.log, *.log matches zebra.log, and foo*.* matches foobar.zebra. No characters other than "*" have any special meaning during matching.

    If the character "*" needs to appear as part of the value without serving as a wildcard, it MUST be escaped with a backslash.

    If the character " needs to appear as part of the value without serving as an escape character, it MUST be escaped with a backslash.

    The literal string \* represents *. The literal string \\ represents \.

    In JSON, all backslashes contained in a string literal value must be escaped with another backslash, therefore, the above will equate to:

    The escaped string \\* represents *. The escaped string \\\\ represents \.

    If an open escape backslash is found in the StringMatches string, the interpreter will throw a runtime error.

  • NumericEquals, NumericEqualsPath

  • NumericLessThan, NumericLessThanPath
  • NumericGreaterThan, NumericGreaterThanPath
  • NumericLessThanEquals, NumericLessThanEqualsPath
  • NumericGreaterThanEquals, NumericGreaterThanEqualsPath
  • BooleanEquals, BooleanEqualsPath
  • TimestampEquals, TimestampEqualsPath
  • TimestampLessThan, TimestampLessThanPath
  • TimestampGreaterThan, TimestampGreaterThanPath
  • TimestampLessThanEquals, TimestampLessThanEqualsPath
  • TimestampGreaterThanEquals, TimestampGreaterThanEqualsPath
  • IsNull

    Note: This means the value is the built-in JSON literal null.

  • IsPresent

    Note: In this case, if the Variable-field Path fails to match anything in the input no exception is thrown and the Choice Rule just returns false.

  • IsNumeric

  • IsString
  • IsBoolean
  • IsTimestamp

For those operators that end with "Path", the value MUST be a Path, to be applied to the state's effective input to yield a value to be compared with the value yielded by the Variable path.

For each operator which compares values, if the values are not both of the appropriate type (String, number, boolean, or Timestamp) the comparison will return false. Note that a field which is thought of as a timestamp could be matched by a string-typed comparator.

The various String comparators compare strings character-by-character with no special treatments such as case-folding, white-space collapsing, or Unicode form normalization.

Note that for interoperability, numeric comparisons should not be assumed to work with values outside the magnitude or precision representable using the IEEE 754-2008 "binary64" data type. In particular, integers outside of the range [-(2^53)+1, (2^53)-1] might fail to compare in the expected way.

A Choice State MAY have a "Default" field, whose value MUST be a string whose value MUST match a State name; that state will execute if none of the Choice Rules match. The interpreter will raise a runtime States.NoChoiceMatched error if a Choice State fails to match a Choice Rule and no "Default" transition was specified.

A Choice State MUST NOT be an End state.

A Wait State (identified by "Type":"Wait") causes the interpreter to delay the machine from continuing for a specified time. The time can be specified as a wait duration, specified in seconds, or an absolute expiry time, specified as an ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format string.

For Examples:

"wait_ten_seconds" : {
  "Type" : "Wait",
  "Seconds" : 10,
  "Next": "NextState"
"wait_until" : {
  "Type": "Wait",
  "Timestamp": "2016-03-14T01:59:00Z",
  "Next": "NextState"

Reworked to look up the timestamp time using a Reference Path to the data, which might look like { "expirydate": "2016-03-14T01:59:00Z" }:

"wait_until" : {
  "Type": "Wait",
  "TimestampPath": "$.expirydate",
  "Next": "NextState"

A Wait State MUST contain exactly one of "Seconds", "SecondsPath", "Timestamp", or "TimestampPath".

The Succeed State (identified by "Type":"Succeed") either terminates a state machine successfully, ends a branch of a Parallel State, or ends an iteration of a Map State. The output of a Succeed State is the same as its input, possibly modified by "InputPath" and/or "OutputPath".

The Succeed State is a useful target for Choice-State branches that don't do anything except terminate the machine.

Here is an example:

"SuccessState": {
  "Type": "Succeed"

Because Succeed States are terminal states, they have no "Next" field.

The Fail State (identified by "Type":"Fail") terminates the machine and marks it as a failure.

Here is an example:

"FailState": {
  "Type": "Fail",
  "Error": "ErrorA",
  "Cause": "Kaiju attack"

A Fail State MAY have a field named "Error", whose value MUST be a string whose value provides an error name that can be used for error handling (Retry/Catch), operational, or diagnostic purposes. A Fail State MAY have a field named "Cause", whose value MUST be a string whose value provides a human-readable message.

Both the "Error" and "Cause" can be provided indirectly. A Fail state MAY have "ErrorPath" and "CausePath" fields whose values MUST be Reference Paths or Intrinsic Functions which, when resolved, MUST be string values. A Fail state MUST NOT include both "Error" and "ErrorPath" or both "Cause" and "CausePath".

Here is an example that sets the Error and Cause values dynamically from the state input rather than using static values:

"FailState": {
  "Type": "Fail",
  "Comment": "my error comment",
  "ErrorPath": "$.Error",
  "CausePath": "$.Cause"

Because Fail States are terminal states, they have no "Next" field.

The Parallel State (identified by "Type":"Parallel") causes parallel execution of "branches".

Here is an example:

"LookupCustomerInfo": {
  "Type": "Parallel",
  "Branches": [
      "StartAt": "LookupAddress",
      "States": {
        "LookupAddress": {
          "Type": "Task",
          "End": true
      "StartAt": "LookupPhone",
      "States": {
        "LookupPhone": {
          "Type": "Task",
          "End": true
  "Next": "NextState"

A Parallel State causes the interpreter to execute each branch starting with the state named in its "StartAt" field, as concurrently as possible, and wait until each branch terminates (reaches a terminal state) before processing the Parallel State's "Next" field. In the above example, this means the interpreter waits for "LookupAddress" and "LookupPhoneNumber" to both finish before transitioning to "NextState".

A Parallel State MUST contain a field named "Branches" which is an array whose elements MUST be objects. Each object MUST contain fields named "States" and "StartAt" whose meanings are exactly like those in the top level of a State Machine.

A state in a Parallel State branch "States" field MUST NOT have a "Next" field that targets a field outside of that "States" field. A state MUST NOT have a "Next" field which matches a state name inside a Parallel State branch's "States" field unless it is also inside the same "States" field.

Put another way, states in a branch's "States" field can transition only to each other, and no state outside of that "States" field can transition into it.

If any branch fails, due to an unhandled error or by transitioning to a Fail State, the entire Parallel State is considered to have failed and all the branches are terminated. If the error is not handled by the Parallel State, the interpreter should terminate the machine execution with an error.

Unlike a Fail State, a Succeed State within a Parallel merely terminates its own branch. A Succeed State passes its input through as its output, possibly modified by "InputPath" and "OutputPath".

The Parallel State passes its input (potentially as filtered by the "InputPath" field) as the input to each branch's "StartAt" state. It generates a result which is an array with one element for each branch containing the output from that branch. The elements of the output array correspond to the branches in the same order that they appear in the "Branches" array. There is no requirement that all elements be of the same type.

The output array can be inserted into the input data using the state's "ResultPath" field in the usual way.

Example of ResultPath
"FunWithMath": {
  "Type": "Parallel",
  "Branches": [
      "StartAt": "Add",
      "States": {
        "Add": {
          "Type": "Task",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::task:Add",
          "End": true
      "StartAt": "Subtract",
      "States": {
        "Subtract": {
          "Type": "Task",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::task:Subtract",
          "End": true
  "Next": "NextState"

If the "FunWithMath" state was given the JSON array [3, 2] as input, then both the "Add" and "Subtract" states would receive that array as input. The output of "Add" would be 5, that of "Subtract" would be 1, and the output of the Parallel State would be a JSON array:

[ 5, 1 ]

The Map State (identified by "Type": "Map") causes the interpreter to process all the elements of an array, potentially in parallel, with the processing of each element independent of the others. This document uses the term "iteration" to describe each such nested execution.

The Parallel State applies multiple different state-machine branches to the same input, while the Map State applies a single state machine to multiple input elements.

There are several fields which may be used to control the execution. To summarize:

  • The "ItemProcessor" (or "Iterator" which is now deprecated) field's value is an object that defines a state machine which will process each item or batch of items of the array.
  • The "ItemsPath" field's value is a Reference Path identifying where in the effective input the array field is found.
  • The "ItemReader" field's value is an object that specifies where to read the items instead of from the effective input.
  • The "ItemSelector" (or "Parameters" which is now deprecated in Map) field's value is an object that overrides each single element of the item array.
  • The "ItemBatcher" field's value is an object that specifies how to batch the items for the ItemProcessor.
  • The "ResultWriter" field's value is an object that specifies where to write the results instead of to the Map state's result.
  • The "MaxConcurrency" field's value is an integer that provides an upper bound on how many invocations of the Iterator may run in parallel.
  • The "ToleratedFailurePercentage" field's value is an integer that provides an upper bound on the percentage of items that may fail.
  • The "ToleratedFailureCount" field's value is an integer that provides an upper bound on how many items may fail.

Consider the following example input data:

  "ship-date": "2016-03-14T01:59:00Z",
  "detail": {
    "delivery-partner": "UQS",
    "shipped": [
      { "prod": "R31", "dest-code": 9511, "quantity": 1344 },
      { "prod": "S39", "dest-code": 9511, "quantity": 40 },
      { "prod": "R31", "dest-code": 9833, "quantity": 12 },
      { "prod": "R40", "dest-code": 9860, "quantity": 887 },
      { "prod": "R40", "dest-code": 9511, "quantity": 1220 }

Suppose it is desired to apply a single Lambda function, "ship-val", to each of the elements of the "shipped" array. Here is an example of an appropriate Map State.

"Validate-All": {
  "Type": "Map",
  "InputPath": "$.detail",
  "ItemsPath": "$.shipped",
  "MaxConcurrency": 0,
  "ItemProcessor": {
    "StartAt": "Validate",
    "States": {
      "Validate": {
        "Type": "Task",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:ship-val",
        "End": true
  "ResultPath": "$.detail.shipped",
  "End": true

In the example above, the "ship-val" Lambda function will be executed once for each element of the "shipped" field. The input to one iteration will be:

  "prod": "R31",
  "dest-code": 9511,
  "quantity": 1344

Suppose that the "ship-val" function also needs access to the shipment's courier, which would be the same in each iteration. The "ItemSelector" field may be used to construct the raw input for each iteration:

"Validate-All": {
  "Type": "Map",
  "InputPath": "$.detail",
  "ItemsPath": "$.shipped",
  "MaxConcurrency": 0,
  "ItemSelector": {
    "parcel.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value",
    "courier.$": "$.delivery-partner"
  "ItemProcessor": {
    "StartAt": "Validate",
    "States": {
      "Validate": {
        "Type": "Task",
        "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:ship-val",
        "End": true
  "ResultPath": "$.detail.shipped",
  "End": true

The "ship-val" Lambda function will be executed once for each element of the array selected by "ItemsPath". In the example above, the raw input to one iteration, as specified by "ItemSelector", will be:

  "parcel": {
    "prod": "R31",
    "dest-code": 9511,
    "quantity": 1344
   "courier": "UQS"

In the examples above, the ResultPath results in the output being the same as the input, with the "detail.shipped" field being overwritten by an array in which each element is the output of the "ship-val" Lambda function as applied to the corresponding input element.

Map State input/output processing

The "InputPath" field operates as usual, selecting part of the raw input - in the example, the value of the "detail" field - to serve as the effective input.

Reading Items

A Map State MAY have an "ItemReader" field, whose value MUST be a JSON object and is called the ItemReader Configuration. The ItemReader Configuration causes the interpreter to read items from the resource identified by the ItemReader Configuration's "Resource" field.

The ItemReader Configuration MUST have a "Resource" field, whose value MUST be a URI that uniquely identifies the specific task to execute. The States language does not constrain the URI scheme nor any other part of the URI. The ItemReader Configuration MAY have a "Parameters" field, whose value MUST be a Payload Template. The ItemReader Configuration MAY have a "ReaderConfig" field whose value is a JSON object which MAY have a "MaxItems" field which MUST be a positive integer. The interpreter MAY define additional "ReaderConfig" fields.

The ItemReader Configuration causes the interpreter to read items from the task identified by the ItemReader's "Resource" field. The interpreter will limit the number of items to the maximum number of items specified by the "ReaderConfig"'s "MaxItems" field. The "MaxItems" can be provided indirectly. A "ReaderConfig" field MAY have "MaxItemsPath" field which MUST be a Reference Path which, when resolved, MUST select a field whose value is a positive integer. A "ReaderConfig" field MUST NOT include both "MaxItems" and "MaxItemsPath".

The default result for "ItemReader" is "$", which is to say the whole effective input.

Selecting Items

A Map State MAY have an "ItemsPath" field, whose value MUST be a Reference Path. The Reference Path is applied to the ItemReader result and MUST identify a field whose value is a JSON array.

The default value of "ItemsPath" is "$", which is to say the whole ItemReader result. So, if a Map State has neither an "InputPath" nor an "ItemReader" nor an "ItemsPath" field, it is assuming that the raw input to the state will be a JSON array.

A Map State MAY have an "ItemSelector" field, whose value MUST be a Payload Template. The interpreter uses the "ItemSelector" field to override each single element of the item array. The result of the "ItemSelector" field is called the selected item. The "ItemSelector" field performs the same function as the "Parameters" field, which is now deprecated in the Map State.

The default of "ItemSelector" is a single element of the array field identified by the "ItemsPath" value.

Batching Items

A Map State MAY have an "ItemBatcher" field, whose value MUST be a JSON object and is called the ItemBatcher Configuration. The ItemBatcher Configuration causes the interpreter to batch selected items into sub-arrays before passing them to each invocation. The interpreter will limit each sub-array to the maximum number of items specified by the "MaxItemsPerBatch" field, and to the maximum size in bytes specified by the "MaxInputBytesPerBatch" field.

The ItemBatcher Configuration MAY have a "BatchInput" field, whose value MUST be a Payload Template. An ItemBatcher Configuration MAY have a "MaxItemsPerBatch" field, whose value MUST be a positive integer. An ItemBatcher Configuration MAY have a "MaxInputBytesPerBatch" field, whose value MUST be a positive integer.

The default of "ItemBatcher" is the selected item. Put another way, the interpreter will not batch items if no "ItemBatcher" field is provided.

Both the "MaxItemsPerBatch" and "MaxInputBytesPerBatch" can be provided indirectly. A Map State may have "MaxItemsPerBatchPath" and "MaxInputBytesPerBatchPath" fields which MUST be Reference Paths which, when resolved, MUST select fields whose values are positive integers. A Map State MUST NOT include both "MaxItemsPerBatch" and "MaxItemsPerBatchPath" or both "MaxInputBytesPerBatch" and "MaxInputBytesPerBatchPath".

An ItemBatcher Configuration MUST contain at least one of "MaxItemsPerBatch", "MaxItemsPerBatchPath", "MaxInputBytesPerBatch", or "MaxInputBytesPerBatchPath".

Processing Items

The input to each invocation, by default, is a single element of the array field identified by the "ItemsPath" value, but may be overridden using the "ItemSelector" and/or "ItemBatcher" fields. If present, the interpreter uses the "ItemSelector" field to override each single element of the array field identified by the "ItemsPath" value to produce an array of selected items. If present, the interpreter then uses the "ItemBatcher" field to specify how to batch the selected items array to produce an array of batched selected items.

For each item, within the Map State's "ItemSelector" (or deprecated "Parameters") field, the Context Object will have an object field named "Map" which contains an object field named "Item" which in turn contains an integer field named "Index" whose value is the (zero-based) array index being processed and a field named "Value", whose value is the array element being processed.

Writing Results

A Map State MAY have a "ResultWriter" field, whose value MUST be a JSON object and is called the ResultWriter Configuration. The ResultWriter Configuration causes the interpreter to write results to the resource identified by the ResultWriter's "Resource" field.

The ResultWriter Configuration MUST have a "Resource" field, whose value MUST be a URI that uniquely identifies the specific task to execute. The States language does not constrain the URI scheme nor any other part of the URI. The ResultWriter Configuration MAY have a "Parameters" field, whose value MUST be a Payload Template.

If a "ResultWriter" field is provided, a Map State's result is a JSON object containing fields defined by the interpreter. If a "ResultWriter" field is not specified, the result is a JSON array, whose value is either an array containing one element for each element of the ItemsPath input array, in the same order (if an "ItemBatcher" field is not specified), or an array containing one element for each batched sub-array of the ItemsPath input array, in the same order (if an "ItemBatcher" field is specified).

Map State concurrency

A Map State MAY have a non-negative integer "MaxConcurrency" field. Its default value is zero, which places no limit on invocation parallelism and requests the interpreter to execute the iterations as concurrently as possible.

If "MaxConcurrency" has a non-zero value, the interpreter will not allow the number of concurrent iterations to exceed that value.

A MaxConcurrency value of 1 is special, having the effect that interpreter will invoke the ItemProcessor once for each array element in the order of their appearance in the input, and will not start an iteration until the previous iteration has completed execution.

The "MaxConcurrency" can be provided indirectly. A Map State may have "MaxConcurrencyPath" field which MUST be a Reference Path which, when resolved, MUST select a field whose value is a non-negative integer. A Map State MUST NOT include both "MaxConcurrency" and "MaxConcurrencyPath".

Map State ItemProcessor definition

A Map State MUST contain an object field named "ItemProcessor" (or deprecated "Iterator") which MUST contain fields named "States" and "StartAt", whose meanings are exactly like those in the top level of a State Machine. The "ItemProcessor" field performs the same function as the "Iterator" field, which is now deprecated in the Map State.

The "ItemProcessor" field MAY contain a field named "ProcessorConfig", whose value MUST be a JSON object whose value is defined by the interpreter. The interpreter will execute the ItemProcessor according to the ProcessorConfig.

A state in the "States" field of an "ItemProcessor" field MUST NOT have a "Next" field that targets a field outside of that "States" field. A state MUST NOT have a "Next" field which matches a state name inside an "ItemProcessor" field's "States" field unless it is also inside the same "States" field.

Put another way, states in an ItemProcessor's "States" field can transition only to each other, and no state outside of that "States" field can transition into it.

If any iteration fails, due to an unhandled error or by transitioning to a Fail state, the entire Map State is considered to have failed and all the iterations are terminated. If the error is not handled by the Map State, the interpreter should terminate the machine execution with an error.

Unlike a Fail State, a Succeed State within a Map merely terminates its own iteration. A Succeed State passes its input through as its output, possibly modified by "InputPath" and "OutputPath".

Map State Failure Tolerance

A Map State MAY have a "ToleratedFailurePercentage" field whose value MUST be a number between zero and 100. Its default value is zero, which means the Map State will fail if any (i.e. more than 0%) of its items fail. A "ToleratedFailurePercentage" value of 100 means the interpreter will continue starting iterations even if all items fail.

A Map State MAY have a non-negative integer "ToleratedFailureCount" field. Its default value is zero, which means the Map State will fail if at least 1 of its items fail. If a "ToleratedFailurePercentage" field and a "ToleratedFailureCount" field are both specified, the Map State will fail if either threshold is breached.

Both the "ToleratedFailureCount" and "ToleratedFailurePercentage" can be provided indirectly. A Map State may have "ToleratedFailureCountPath" and "ToleratedFailurePercentagePath" fields which MUST be Reference Paths which, when resolved, MUST select fields whose values are non-negative integers. A Map State MUST NOT include both "ToleratedFailureCount" and "ToleratedFailureCountPath" or both "ToleratedFailurePercentage" and "ToleratedFailurePercentagePath".


Appendix A: Predefined Error Codes

Code Description
States.ALL A wildcard which matches any Error Name.
States.HeartbeatTimeout A Task State failed to heartbeat for a time longer than the "HeartbeatSeconds" value.
States.Timeout A Task State either ran longer than the "TimeoutSeconds" value, or failed to heartbeat for a time longer than the "HeartbeatSeconds" value.
States.TaskFailed A Task State failed during the execution.
States.Permissions A Task State failed because it had insufficient privileges to execute the specified code.
States.ResultPathMatchFailure A state's "ResultPath" field cannot be applied to the input the state received.
States.ParameterPathFailure Within a state's "Parameters" field, the attempt to replace a field whose name ends in ".$" using a Path failed.
States.BranchFailed A branch of a Parallel State failed.
States.NoChoiceMatched A Choice State failed to find a match for the condition field extracted from its input.
States.IntrinsicFailure Within a Payload Template, the attempt to invoke an Intrinsic Function failed.
States.ExceedToleratedFailureThreshold A Map state failed because the number of failed items exceeded the configured tolerated failure threshold.
States.ItemReaderFailed A Map state failed to read all items as specified by the "ItemReader" field.
States.ResultWriterFailed A Map state failed to write all results as specified by the "ResultWriter" field.

Appendix B: List of Intrinsic Functions


This Intrinsic Function takes one or more arguments. The Value of the first MUST be a string, which MAY include zero or more instances of the character sequence {}. There MUST be as many remaining arguments in the Intrinsic Function as there are occurrences of {}. The interpreter returns the first-argument string with each {} replaced by the Value of the positionally-corresponding argument in the Intrinsic Function.

If necessary, the { and } characters can be escaped respectively as \\{ and \\}.

If the argument is a Path, applying it to the input MUST yield a value that is a string, a boolean, a number, or null. In each case, the Value is the natural string representation; string values are not accompanied by enclosing " characters. The Value MUST NOT be a JSON array or object.

For example, given the following Payload Template:

  "Parameters": {
    "foo.$": "States.Format('Your name is {}, we are in the year {}', $.name, 2020)"

Suppose the input to the Payload Template is as follows:

  "name": "Foo",
  "zebra": "stripe"

After processing the Payload Template, the new payload becomes:

  "foo": "Your name is Foo, we are in the year 2020"

This Intrinsic Function takes a single argument whose Value MUST be a string. The interpreter applies a JSON parser to the Value and returns its parsed JSON form.

For example, given the following Payload Template:

  "Parameters": {
    "foo.$": "States.StringToJson($.someString)"

Suppose the input to the Payload Template is as follows:

  "someString": "{\"number\": 20}",
  "zebra": "stripe"

After processing the Payload Template, the new payload becomes:

  "foo": {
    "number": 20

This Intrinsic Function takes a single argument which MUST be a Path. The interpreter returns a string which is a JSON text representing the data identified by the Path.

For example, given the following Payload Template:

  "Parameters": {
    "foo.$": "States.JsonToString($.someJson)"

Suppose the input to the Payload Template is as follows:

  "someJson": {
    "name": "Foo",
    "year": 2020
  "zebra": "stripe"

After processing the Payload Template, the new payload becomes:

  "foo": "{\"name\":\"Foo\",\"year\":2020}"

This Intrinsic Function takes zero or more arguments. The interpreter returns a JSON array containing the Values of the arguments, in the order provided.

For example, given the following Payload Template:

  "Parameters": {
    "foo.$": "States.Array('Foo', 2020, $.someJson, null)"

Suppose the input to the Payload Template is as follows:

  "someJson": {
    "random": "abcdefg"
  "zebra": "stripe"

After processing the Payload Template, the new payload becomes:

  "foo": [
      "random": "abcdefg"

Use the States.ArrayPartition intrinsic function to partition a large array. You can also use this intrinsic to slice the data and then send the payload in smaller chunks.

This intrinsic function takes two arguments. The first argument is an array, while the second argument defines the chunk size. The interpreter chunks the input array into multiple arrays of the size specified by chunk size. The length of the last array chunk may be less than the length of the previous array chunks if the number of remaining items in the array is smaller than the chunk size.

Input validation

  • You must specify an array as the input value for the function's first argument.
  • You must specify a non-zero, positive integer for the second argument representing the chunk size value.
  • The input array can't exceed Step Functions' payload size limit of 256 KB.

For example, given the following input array:

{"inputArray": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] }

You could use the States.ArrayPartition function to divide the array into chunks of four values:

"inputArray.$": "States.ArrayPartition($.inputArray,4)"

Which would return the following array chunks:

{"inputArray": [ [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9]] }

In the previous example, the States.ArrayPartition function outputs three arrays. The first two arrays each contain four values, as defined by the chunk size. A third array contains the remaining value and is smaller than the defined chunk size.


Use the States.ArrayContains intrinsic function to determine if a specific value is present in an array. For example, you can use this function to detect if there was an error in a Map state iteration.

This intrinsic function takes two arguments. The first argument is an array, while the second argument is the value to be searched for within the array.

Input validation:

  • You must specify an array as the input value for function's first argument.
  • You must specify a valid JSON object as the second argument.
  • The input array can't exceed Step Functions' payload size limit of 256 KB.

For example, given the following input array:

{ "inputArray": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], "lookingFor": 5 }

You could use the States.ArrayContains function to find the lookingFor value within the inputArray:

"contains.$": "States.ArrayContains($.inputArray, $.lookingFor)"

Because the value stored in lookingFor is included in the inputArray, States.ArrayContains returns the following result:

{"contains": true }

Use the States.ArrayRange intrinsic function to create a new array containing a specific range of elements. The new array can contain up to 1000 elements.

This function takes three arguments. The first argument is the first element of the new array, the second argument is the final element of the new array, and the third argument is the increment value between the elements in the new array.

Input validation:

  • You must specify integer values for all of the arguments.
  • You must specify a non-zero value for the third argument.
  • The newly generated array can't contain more than 1000 items.

For example, the following use of the States.ArrayRange function will create an array with a first value of 1, a final value of 9, and values in between the first and final values increase by two for each item:

"array.$": "States.ArrayRange(1, 9, 2)"

Which would return the following array:

{"array": [1,3,5,7,9] }

This intrinsic function returns a specified index's value. This function takes two arguments. The first argument is an array of values and the second argument is the array index of the value to return.

For example, use the following inputArray and index values:

{ "inputArray": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], "index": 5 }

From these values, you can use the States.ArrayGetItem function to return the value in the index position 5 within the array:

"item.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.inputArray, $.index)"

In this example, States.ArrayGetItem would return the following result:

{ "item": 6 }

The States.ArrayLength intrinsic function returns the length of an array. It has one argument, the array to return the length of.

For example, given the following input array:

{ "inputArray": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] }

You can use States.ArrayLength to return the length of inputArray:

"length.$": "States.ArrayLength($.inputArray)"

In this example, States.ArrayLength would return the following JSON object that represents the array length:

{ "length": 9 }

The States.ArrayUnique intrinsic function removes duplicate values from an array and returns an array containing only unique elements. This function takes an array, which can be unsorted, as its sole argument.

For example, the following inputArray contains a series of duplicate values:

{"inputArray": [1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4] }

You could use the States.ArrayUnique function as and specify the array you want to remove duplicate values from:

"array.$": "States.ArrayUnique($.inputArray)"

The States.ArrayUnique function would return the following array containing only unique elements, removing all duplicate values:

{"array": [1,2,3,4] }

Use the States.Base64Encode intrinsic function to encode data based on MIME Base64 encoding scheme. You can use this function to pass data to other AWS services without using an AWS Lambda function.

This function takes a data string of up to 10,000 characters to encode as its only argument.

For example, consider the following input string:

{"input": "Data to encode" }

You can use the States.Base64Encode function to encode the input string as a MIME Base64 string:

"base64.$": "States.Base64Encode($.input)"

The States.Base64Encode function returns the following encoded data in response:

{"base64": "RGF0YSB0byBlbmNvZGU=" }

Use the States.Base64Decode intrinsic function to decode data based on MIME Base64 decoding scheme. You can use this function to pass data to other AWS services without using a Lambda function.

This function takes a Base64 encoded data string of up to 10,000 characters to decode as its only argument.

For example, given the following input:

{"base64": "RGF0YSB0byBlbmNvZGU=" }

You can use the States.Base64Decode function to decode the base64 string to a human-readable string:

"data.$": "States.Base64Decode($.base64)"

The States.Base64Decode function would return the following decoded data in response:

{"data": "Decoded data" }

Use the States.Hash intrinsic function to calculate the hash value of a given input. You can use this function to pass data to other AWS services without using a Lambda function.

This function takes two arguments. The first argument is the data you want to calculate the hash value of. The second argument is the hashing algorithm to use to perform the hash calculation. The data you provide must be an object string containing 10,000 characters or less.

The hashing algorithm you specify can be any of the following algorithms:

  • MD5
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512

For example, you can use this function to calculate the hash value of the Data string using the specified Algorithm:

{ "Data": "input data", "Algorithm": "SHA-1" }

You can use the States.Hash function to calculate the hash value:

"output.$": "States.Hash($.Data, $.Algorithm)"

The States.Hash function returns the following hash value in response:

{"output": "aaff4a450a104cd177d28d18d7485e8cae074b7" }

Use the States.JsonMerge intrinsic function to merge two JSON objects into a single object. This function takes three arguments. The first two arguments are the JSON objects that you want to merge.The third argument is a boolean value of false. This boolean value determines if the deep merging mode is enabled.

Currently, Step Functions only supports the shallow merging mode; therefore, you must specify the boolean value as false. In the shallow mode, if the same key exists in both JSON objects, the latter object's key overrides the same key in the first object. Additionally, objects nested within a JSON object aren't merged when you use shallow merging.

For example, you can use the States.JsonMerge function to merge the following JSON arrays that share the key a.

{ "json1": { "a": {"a1": 1, "a2": 2}, "b": 2, }, "json2": { "a": {"a3": 1, "a4": 2}, "c": 3 } }

You can specify the json1 and json2 arrays as inputs in the States.JasonMerge function to merge them together:

"output.$": "States.JsonMerge($.json1, $.json2, false)"

The States.JsonMerge returns the following merged JSON object as result. In the merged JSON object output, the json2 object's key a replaces the json1 object's key a. Also, the nested object in json1 object's key a is discarded because shallow mode doesn't support merging nested objects.

{ "output": { "a": {"a3": 1, "a4": 2}, "b": 2, "c": 3 } }

Use the States.MathRandom intrinsic function to return a random number between the specified start and end number. For example, you can use this function to distribute a specific task between two or more resources.

This function takes three arguments. The first argument is the start number, the second argument is the end number, and the last argument controls the seed value. The seed value argument is optional.

If you use this function with the same seed value, it returns an identical number.


Because the States.MathRandom function doesn't return cryptographically secure random numbers, we recommend that you don't use it for security sensitive applications.

Input validation:

  • You must specify integer values for the start number and end number arguments.

For example, to generate a random number from between one and 999, you can use the following input values:

{ "start": 1, "end": 999 }

To generate the random number, provide the start and end values to the States.MathRandom function:

"random.$": "States.MathRandom($.start, $.end)"

The States.MathRandom function returns the following random number as a response:

{"random": 456 }

Use the States.MathAdd intrinsic function to return the sum of two numbers. For example, you can use this function to increment values inside a loop without invoking a Lambda function.

Input validation:

  • You must specify integer values for all the arguments.

For example, you can use the following values to subtract one from 111:

{ "value1": 111, "step": -1 }

Then, use the States.MathAdd function defining value1 as the starting value, and step as the value to increment value1 by:

"value1.$": "States.MathAdd($.value1, $.step)"

The States.MathAdd function would return the following number in response:

{"value1": 110 }

Use the States.StringSplit intrinsic function to split a string into an array of values. This function takes two arguments.The first argument is a string and the second argument is the delimiting character that the function will use to divide the string.

For example, you can use States.StringSplit to divide the following inputString, which contains a series of comma separated values:

{ "inputString": "1,2,3,4,5", "splitter": "," }

Use the States.StringSplit function and define inputString as the first argument, and the delimiting character splitter as the second argument:

"array.$": "States.StringSplit($.inputString, $.splitter)"

The States.StringSplit function returns the following string array as result:

{"array": ["1","2","3","4","5"] }

Use the States.UUID intrinsic function to return a version 4 universally unique identifier (v4 UUID) generated using random numbers. For example, you can use this function to call other AWS services or resources that need a UUID parameter or insert items in a DynamoDB table.

The States.UUID function is called with no arguments specified:

"uuid.$": "States.UUID()"

The function returns a randomly generated UUID, as in the following example:

{"uuid": "ca4c1140-dcc1-40cd-ad05-7b4aa23df4a8" }

  1. Copyright © 2016 Inc. or Affiliates.

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this specification and associated documentation files (the "specification"), to use, copy, publish, and/or distribute, the Specification) subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies of the Specification.

    You may not modify, merge, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Specification.


    Any sample code included in the Specification, unless otherwise specified, is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.