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Data Observability

Data Observability is an organization's ability to fully understand the health of the data in their systems. Data observability eliminates data downtime by applying best practices learned from DevOps to data pipeline observability.

Getting Started

Data observability Tools use automated monitoring, automated root cause analysis, data lineage and data health insights to detect, resolve, and prevent data anomalies. This leads to healthier pipelines, more productive teams, better data management, and happier customers.

For data engineers and developers, data observability is important because data downtime means wasted time and resources; for data consumers, it erodes confidence in your decision-making.


Data Downtime: periods of time when data is partial, erroneous, missing, or otherwise inaccurate. Only multiplies as data systems become increasingly complex, supporting an endless ecosystem of sources and consumers.

The 5 pillars of data observability:

  1. Freshness:

    Freshness seeks to understand how up-to-date your data tables are, as well as the cadence at which your tables are updated. Freshness is particularly important when it comes to decision-making; after all, stale data is basically synonymous with wasted time and money.

  2. Quality:

    Your data pipelines might be in working order but the data flowing through them could be garbage. The quality pillar looks at the data itself and aspects such as percent NULLS, percent uniques and if your data is within an accepted range. Quality gives you insight into whether or not your tables can be trusted based on what can be expected from your data.

  3. Volume:

    Volume refers to the completeness of your data tables and offers insights on the health of your data sources. If 200 million rows suddenly turns into 5 million, you should know.

  4. Schema:

    Changes in the organization of your data, in other words, schema, often indicates broken data. Monitoring who makes changes to these tables and when is foundational to understanding the health of your data ecosystem.

  5. Lineage:

    When data breaks, the first question is always “where?” Data lineage provides the answer by telling you which upstream sources and downstream ingestors were impacted, as well as which teams are generating the data and who is accessing it. Good lineage also collects information about the data (also referred to as metadata) that speaks to governance, business, and technical guidelines associated with specific data tables, serving as a single source of truth for all consumers.

Together, these components provide valuable insight into the quality and reliability of your data. Let’s take a deeper dive.

The key features of data observability tools

Evaluation criteria can be tricky when you may not even have a strong answer to the basic question, "what are data observability tools?" A great data observability platform has the following features:

  • It connects to your existing stack quickly and seamlessly and does not require modifying your data pipelines, writing new code, or using a particular programming language. This allows quick time to value and maximum testing coverage without having to make substantial investments.

  • It monitors your data at-rest and does not require extracting the data from where it is currently stored. This allows the data observability solution to be performant, scalable and cost-efficient. It also ensures that you meet the highest levels of security and compliance requirements.

  • It requires minimal configuration and practically no threshold-setting. Data observability tools should use machine learning models to automatically learn your environment and your data. It uses anomaly detection techniques to let you know when things break. It minimizes false positives by taking into account not just individual metrics, but a holistic view of your data and the potential impact from any particular issue. You do not need to spend resources configuring and maintaining noisy rules within your data observability platform.

  • It requires no prior mapping of what needs to be monitored and in what way. It helps you identify key resources, key dependencies and key invariants so that you get broad data observability with little effort.

  • It provides rich context that enables rapid triage and troubleshooting, and effective communication with stakeholders impacted by data reliability issues. Data observability tools should not stop at “field X in table Y has values lower than Z today.”

  • It prevents issues from happening in the first place by exposing rich information about data assets so that changes and modifications can be made responsibly and proactively.


  • (TODO):
  • MontecarloData: What is Data Observability