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Slowly Changing Dimension

Getting Started

A Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) is a dimension that stores and manages both current and historical data over time in a data warehouse.


Type 1 (Overwriting)

If a record in a dimension table changes, the existing record is updated or overwritten. Otherwise, the new record is inserted into the dimension table. This means records in the dimension table always reflect the current state and no historical data is maintained.

Type 2 (History Row-Based)

While having a table that reflects only the current state may be useful, there are times when it’s convenient, and even essential, to track historical changes to a dimension. With SCD type 2, historical data is maintained by adding a new row when a dimension changes and properly denoting this new row as current while denoting the newly historical record accordingly.

However, a couple of metadata fields are required in order to track changes:

Column Description Alias
is_current Whether the record has the currently valid information for the specific product code. CurrentFlag
valid_from The timestamp from which the record was/is current. EffectiveData, StartDate
valid_to The timestamp until which the record was/is current. EndDate
is_deleted Whether the product code no longer exists in the source data. DeleteFlag

Type 3 (History Column-Based)

Column Description Alias
current_field The current value of this field.
previous_field The previous value of this field. OriginalField

Type 4 (History Table)

This method resembles how database audit tables and change data capture techniques function.

Type 5 (4 + 1)

The type 5 technique builds on the type 4 mini-dimension by embedding a "current profile" mini-dimension key in the base dimension that's overwritten as a type 1 attribute.

Type 6 (1 + 2 + 3)

Type 7 (Hybrid)

An alternative implementation is to place both the surrogate key and the natural key into the fact table.

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