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Normalization is a database design technique that reduces data redundancy and eliminates undesirable characteristics like Insertion, Update and Deletion Anomalies. Normalization rules divides larger tables into smaller tables and links them using relationships. The purpose of Normalization in SQL is to eliminate redundant (repetitive) data and ensure data is stored logically.

However, in most practical applications, normalization achieves its best in 3rd Normal Form (3NF).


Database normalization is the process of restructuring a relational database in accordance with a series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. It was first proposed by Edgar F. Codd as an integral part of his relational model.

Normalization entails organizing the columns (attributes) and tables (relations) of a database to ensure that their dependencies are properly enforced by database integrity constraints. It is accomplished by applying some formal rules either by a process of synthesis (creating a new database design) or decomposition (improving an existing database design).

By Wiki Database Normalization

Getting Started


primary key

A single column that uniquely identifies the records of data in that table. It’s a unique identifier such as an employee ID, student ID, voter’s identification number (VIN), and so on.

foreign key

A field that relates to the primary key in another table. Unlike the primary key, they do not have to be unique. most often they are not. foreign keys can be null even though primary keys can not.

composite key

A primary key composed of multiple columns used to identify a record uniquely.

candidate key

A field that able to be primary key.

Prime & Non-Prime

prime attribute

Attributes can be used to uniquely identify a tuple in the table because they have unique values. they also known as Key Attributes.

non-prime attribute

Attributes of the relation which does not exist in any of the possible candidate keys of the relation. They also known as Non-Key Attributes.

R = (H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O)

F = {
  L -> MNO
  J -> KL
  K -> H

This schema has three (candidate) keys:


While it is immediate to discover tha HI is a candidate key since it determines all the other attributes, you can see that this is true also for IJ and IK by calculating the closure of those attributes:

IJ+ = IJ
IJ+ = IJKL     (by adding the right part of J → KL)
IJ+ = IJKLH    (by adding the rigth part of K → H)
IJ+ = IJKLHMNO (by adding the right part of L → MNO)

Note that it use the notation IJ+. This is called the closure, which means all the possible attributes that can be inferred from what we know in LHS.

analogously for IK:

IK+ = IK
IK+ = IKH      (by adding the rigth part of K → H)
IK+ = IKHJLMNO (by adding the right part of HI → JKLMNO)

For this reason, the prime attributes of the relation are:


while the non prime attributes are:


Note that there are no other candidate keys since M, N and O appear only on the right side of functional dependencies, so that they cannot “contribute” to any key. L appears both on a left part and on a right part of functional dependencies, but it is determined by HI, IJ and IK, and does not determine any of these attributes, so it cannot be part of a key. Finally, you cannot remove any attribute from HI, IJ and IK without losing the key property.

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What is Anomalies?

Anomalies are the problems that occur in the update, delete and insert operations in poorly designed or un-normalized data when all data stored in one table (Flat file).

In simple words we can say anomaly is when you have one table which has multiple related information, and you cannot do any kind of operation on single information.

Example of Anomalies:

R = (courseNo,  tutor,  lab, labSize){
    (300,       Ahmed,  C3,  150),
    (301,       John,   A1,  210),
    (302,       Kamal,  C3,  150)

What if we built a new lab (e.g. lab: A4), but it’s not assigned to any courses or tutors yet, so we won’t be able to insert it to our table because (lab) comes with (course) and (tutor) because it does not have separated table.

What if we need to delete (courseNo: 300) that means we will delete the details of (lab: C3) also and that’s not what we want.

What if we improved (lab: C3) and now it (labSize: 250), to update it we will have to update all other columns where (lab: C3).

Why do we need to normalize our tables?

  • When (ACID compliant) is required

It improves integrity and consistency of your data. (ACID = Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability)

  • Fewer storage needed

Since we eliminated repeated groups, and divided our tables, we reduced the size of our tables and database.

  • less logical I/O cost

When you need to retrieve data, you will retrieve smaller amount of data, and when you need to add or insert in tables, it will be easier, and more organized.

  • Queries become easier

If we have un-normalized table that has (location) attribute {City, Zip} as composite attribute, and we need to count the unique zip codes in our table, so we will access first location, then we will try to get zip, after normalize this table we will be able to access zip directly because location will be divided to two attributes (city) and (zip).

  • Write-intensive databases

Normalization increases the performance of write-intensive databases Significantly, because it reduces data modification anomalies, which make it easier to manipulate your database.

Dependency Rules

Rule for call the attribute relationships

Functional Dependency

This is the primary key (single or composite) relationship for identified other attributes. When we say A is identified by B (B is a primary key), then A functionally dependent on B, can be represented graphically as (B -> A)


R = (customerID, name, salary){
    (1,          Tom,  18,000),
    (2,          June, 22,000),
    (3,          Rose, 15,000)

customerID -> {name, salary} is Fully Functional Dependency (FFD).

  • name and salary were identified by customerID and functionally dependent on it.
  • customerID determines name and salary.

When only one of the prime attributes determines another attribute with no exist of other prime attributes in this relation. OR when not all non-prime attributes depend on all prime attributes.


{A, B} are our prime attributes, C is non-prime attribute and A -> Z not {A, B} -> C, so it's partial dependency because C is functionally dependent on only one prime attribute not all prime attributes.

R = (order, product, productName, quantity){
    (1,     A,       table,       1),
    (1,     B,       chair,       4),
    (2,     A,       table,       2)

{order, product} -> {productName, quantity} is Fully Functional Dependency (FFD) because of using for all key.

product -> productName is being Partial Dependency because use one key from prime attributes.

There is non-prime attribute functionally dependent on another non-prime attribute OR It means that changing a value in one column leads to a change in another column-columns other than prime attributes.

A transitive functional dependency is when changing a non-key column, might cause any of the other non-key columns to change


In transitive dependency non-prime attribute determines another non-prime attribute, In partial dependency when only one of the prime attributes determines another attribute with no exist of other prime attributes (because of that we called it partial dependency).


We say that A -> C is transitive dependency if it generated from A -> B & B -> C not A -> C directly.

It usually a relationship consisting of 3 attributes (A, B, C). single value from (A) gives more than one value in (B), single value of (A) gives more than one value in (C), and (B) , (C) are independent of each other.

  • There are at least 3 attributes A, B, C in a relation and
  • For each value of A there is a well-defined set of values for B, and a well-defined set of values for C,
  • But the set of values for B is independent on the set of values for C


(emp_no , proj_no, dependents)

(employee) do have many (projects), (employee) do have many ( dependents ) like his children, and it’s obviously projects and his dependents are independent of each other, which means if we need to remove one of his projects we don't have to delete one of his dependent. so we have here multivalued dependency which violates 4NF.

Join Dependency

Whenever we can recreate a table by simply joining various tables where each of these tables consists of a subset of the table’s attribute, then this table is known as a Join Dependency.


The normalization process takes our relational schema throw a series or pipeline of tests to make sure that’s it satisfy a certain normal form, this process proceeds in a top-down manner by evaluating our relational schema against the criteria of normal forms.

1NF: First Normal Form

First Normal Form (1NF) is the first step towards a full normalization of your data, to apply 1NF it should have the following criteria:

  • Each column or single cell contains atomic values
  • Each entity has a primary key
  • No duplicated rows or columns

In other words, each row in the table should have a unique identifier, and each value in the table should be indivisible.


R = (customerID, Address){
    (1,          Main street, First Town, BKK 10100),
    (2,          12 street, A Town, BKK 10120)
R = (customerID, street,      town,       city, zipCode){
    (1,          Main street, First Town, BKK,  10100),
    (2,          12 street,   A Town,     BKK,  10120)

2NF: Second Normal Form

Second Normal Form (2NF) do more than the 1NF because 1NF only eliminates repeating groups, not redundancy.

  • It should be in 1NF.
  • It should not have partial dependencies. Each non-prime attribute is full functionally dependent on the whole primary key (all prime attributes).


R = (studentID, studentName, subjectID, grade, prize){
    (1,         Tom,         S01,       A,     Voucher),
    (2,         Sara,        S01,       B+,    Nothing),
    (3,         John,        S02,       A,     Voucher)
R = (studentID, subjectID, grade, prize){
    (1,         S01,       A,     Voucher),
    (2,         S01,       B+,    Nothing),
    (3,         S02,       A,     Voucher)

RS = (studentID, studentName){
     (1,         Tom),
     (2,         Sara),
     (3,         John)

3NF: Third Normal Form

Third Normal Form (3NF)

  • It should be in 2NF.

  • It should not have transitive dependencies.


R = (studentID, subjectID, grade, prize){
    (1,         S01,       A,     Voucher),
    (2,         S01,       B+,    Nothing),
    (3,         S02,       A,     Voucher)
R = (studentID, subjectID, grade){
    (1,         S01,       A),
    (2,         S01,       B+),
    (3,         S02,       A)

RP = (grade, prize){
     (A,     Voucher),
     (B+,    Nothing),

BCNF: Boyce-Codd Normal Form

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) will remove all candidate key.

  • It should be in 3NF.
  • Any attribute in table depends only on super-key. A -> Z means (A) is super-key of (Z) (even (Z) is a prime attribute)


  • If our table contains only one prime key, 3NF and BCNF are equivalent.
  • BCNF is a special case of 3NF, and it also called 3.5NF.


R = (student, subject, professor){
    (A,       Math,    P.Tom),
    (A,       Science, P.Sara),
    (B,       Math,    P.Kan),
  • {student, subject} -> professor, so student and subject are super-key.
  • professor -> subject, but subject is prime attribute and professor is not super-key.
RS = (student, professorID){
     (A,       1),
     (A,       2),
     (B,       3),

RP = (professorID, professor, subject){
     (1,           P.Tom,     Math),
     (2,           P.Sara,    Science),
     (3,           P.Kan,     Math),

4NF: Fourth Normal Form

Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

  • It should be in BCNF.

  • It should not have multivalued dependencies.

If no database table instance contains two or more, independent and multivalued data describing the relevant entity, then it is in 4th Normal Form.


R = (projectID, businessUnit, Location){
    (A01,       BU01,         North),
    (A01,       BU01,         South),
    (A01,       BU02,         North),
    (A01,       BU02,         South),
R1 = (projectID, businessUnit){
     (A01,       BU01),
     (A01,       BU02)

R2 = (projectID, Location){
     (A01,       North),
     (A01,       South)

5NF: Fifth Normal Form

Fifth Normal Form (5NF) is also known as Project-Join Normal Form (PJNF). It is used to handle complex many-to-many relationships in a database.

  • It should not have join dependency, it cannot be decomposed into any number of smaller tables without loss of data.

In a many-to-many relationship, where each table has a composite primary key, it is possible for a non-trivial functional dependency to exist between the primary key and a non-key attribute. 5NF deals with these situations by decomposing the tables into smaller tables that preserve the relationships between the attributes.


R = (year,   subjectID, buildingID){
    (1/2560, EE400,     A012),
    (1/2560, EE402,     B012),
    (2/2560, EE400,     B012),
    (1/2560, EE400,     B012)
R1 = (year,   subjectID){
     (1/2560, EE400),
     (1/2560, EE402),
     (2/2560, EE400)

R2 = (subjectID, buildingID){
     (EE400,     A012),
     (EE400,     B012),
     (EE402,     B012),

R3 = (year,   buildingID){
     (1/2560, A012),
     (1/2560, B012),
     (2/2560, B012)
R != R1 join R2 join R3

6NF: Sixth Normal Form

Sixth Normal Form (6NF) (Proposed)

  • The row contains the primary key, and at most one other attribute


The obvious drawback of 6NF is the proliferation of tables required to represent the information on a single entity. If a table in 5NF has one primary key column and N attributes, representing the same information in 6NF will require N tables; multi-field updates to a single conceptual record will require updates to multiple tables; and inserts and deletes will similarly require operations across multiple tables.

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