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Data Integration


How should developers and data practitioners start to incorporate environmental factors when developing end-to-end data solutions?1

Getting Started

Sustainable Data Engineering Patterns

Sustainable Data Ingestion

Data minimization

Ensuring that only required data is needed for a data ingestion process mitigates excess energy consumption. This can be on a full dataset or on a table field level. Before any data source connection, the data needed should be explicitly listed and reviewed. In some cases, developers may choose to ingest all the data so as not to run into the process of further adjustments or features to the pipelines, which may result in short term effort reduction yet increasing compute and data transfer long term. Data minimization can apply both to the data ingestion and serving level.

  • Ensure that only required data is ingested.


Data requirements collected will contain freshness criteria. That is consumers are expecting to have this data up to date within a needed time interval. Ingestion of data in real-time can incur large costs and increase energy consumption. It’s important that requirements are well reviewed beforehand, to ensure that such costs are mitigated if SLAs (service level agreements) do not meet real-time data requirements.

  • Review data freshness requirements and adjust frequency of ingestion accordingly.

Incremental Data Loading

Loading data from source systems can present hurdles depending on the data characteristics and the system itself. Full batch data loading involves loading the same data repeatedly to capture newly added or updated records. This approach results in redundancy and can require significant compute resources to complete. Strategies to employ here should incorporate incremental loading strategies to ensure only new and updated records are captured and ingested.

  • Load and update data incrementally in consistent small batches.
  • Ensure data integrity with consistency checks on each incremental run.


Data pipelines are suspectable to failures due to many factors, those can range from data source changes to sudden data size increase, downtimes etc ... Re-triggering failures without pipeline idempotent properties will compromise data integrity and can result in duplicate and inconsistent data. Such properties can include crucial checks on previous pipeline runs, which records were already processed on timestamps and data batch ids.

  • Regularly checkpoint data pipeline ingestion progress
  • Ensure consistent logging of all pipelines for efficient debugging

Sustainable Data Transformation

Data Recency

Operational systems can sustain failure and thus temporarily house stale data. Initial data pipeline ingestion stages can succeed in detecting such states and avoid redundant data imports. This does not necessarily represent a failed run. Transformation stages are often triggered after successful ingestion stage, which makes them susceptible to processing stale and already processed raw data.

Implement data recency checks throughout the data transformation stages.

Divide & Conquer

Distributed big data processing ensures efficient data transformations and high compute utilization. Consistent monitoring of compute clusters utilization is crucial to prevent waste of compute power and thus energy.

Common best practices to ensure that data fulfills utilization requirements of distributed compute:

  • Ensure uniform data distribution and avoid data skew across partitions for full compute utilization.
  • Ensure adequate data volume for the distributed compute resources assigned.
  • Take into consideration data locality to reduce cross-node communication.

Compute Specs

Data volume and transformation play a huge role in deciding compute specifications. Assigning a medium/large compute specs can typically handle all data use cases for most companies. While it is easy to choose the default specs without closely monitoring usage and utilization, such practice could lead to idle compute and thus energy consumption for apparent benefit.

  • Monitor compute usage and utilization and adjust specs accordingly.
  • Provision auto-scaling compute resources where possible.

Code Optimizations

Working with efficient and optimized code helps in mitigating technology and resource limitations to further reduce energy consumptions. Modern tools including open-source projects offer support to optimize and plan data queries to run optimally (e.g. Apache Spark..).

  • Optimize code for parallel processing to maximize efficiency and speed.
  • Review and structure code and queries utilizing frameworks and tools to improve planning and performance.

Sustainable Data Storage

Retentions Policies

Data Retention

It is important when collecting data requirements that data is classified with the right retention tag. Those are based on a standard data management retention strategy ensuring that only necessary data is stored for a specified period. This helps in managing and optimizing data storage resources thus moving towards reducing further CO2 emissions.

  • Ensure data retention strategies are incorporated in the overall data management policies and applied.
  • Ensure that data assets classifications are streamlined across the data lifecycle.

Data compression

Efficient data file formats support powerful compression capabilities and for large data can immensely reduce storage requirements. Especially for long term data storage, having it in more sustainable formats that also support efficient querying like Parquet, ORC, Delta, and Avro etc

Sustainable Data Serving

Optimal Compute

Technologies nowadays offer capabilities to manage idle compute resources efficiently, such as automatic shutdown functionalities or scheduled power activation. The helps in ensuring that compute are not always consuming resources when not needed, especially when self-service consumers are active during specific hours of the day.

  • Ensure compute resources are automatically powered off during idle times. (if it is feasible to do so)
  • Cap the total runtime limit for queries to prevent excessive resource consumption.


Introducing a caching layer reduces the need to repeatedly retrieve data from data storage therefore ensuring faster response time and reduced energy consumption. Applications should incorporate caching capabilities where possible for providing scalable and sustainable request handling.

Flexible Data Querying

It’s crucial that consumers select and filter by their needed data fields. Many applications limit selection and filtering capabilities for their interfaces (e.g. APIs) thereby preventing consumers from only consuming data they actually need.

  • Provide flexible interfaces for consumers to easily select and filter data.

Boost Expertise

Data consumers are often unaware of the background compute resources required to serve their queries. Complex queries may require a few seconds to complete yet require heavy compute resources. It is important to bring awareness to consumers on the impact their querying activities have.

  • Regular training (if possible) for consumers on query optimizations and resource allocation insights.

Sustainable Technology

Technology Assessment

Research Providers

Technology providers often limit comprehensive reporting on their CO2 footprint. This trend nonetheless is changing, and more companies are indeed delivering CO2 emissions statistics and aiming for increased sustainability, which makes the selection strategy with environmental criteria simpler to manage. In addition to the emergence of tools that one can use to calculate carbon footprint of certain applications.

  • Ensure that environmental considerations are incorporated into technology selection criteria.
  • Estimate CO2 emissions of your applications and set goals to reduce them.

The role of open-source

Open-source projects provide complete transparency which helps users have control and visibility over their resource consumption. On a code level, it further provides opportunity to profile and further optimize existing code to one’s use cases.

  • Be open to using open-source projects that can potentially fulfill project requirements.
  • Review open-source projects and try to optimize code to your requirements.

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